Did Your Health Plan Deny You Care? Fight Back.
Most patients don’t argue when their health insurance won’t cover treatment or medication, but they should: Consumers win about half of their appeals. The process can sometimes be overwhelming, but there are ways to prepare and get help.
Mantener a los niños sanos y cuerdos en un mundo digital
Los celulares, las tabletas y los videojuegos pueden causar problemas, pero también sirven para hacer tareas o investigar temas interesantes. Al usarlos, ¿se puede lograr un balance?
Keeping Kids Healthy And Sane In A Digital World
Children are spending more time on their devices than ever before, despite evidence that excessive screen time puts their minds and bodies at risk. Parents should set limits and stick to them — and also change their own online behavior, experts say.
El largo y sinuoso camino para conseguir atención de salud mental infantil
Los Estados Unidos se enfrentan a una creciente escasez de profesionales de salud mental capacitados para trabajar con jóvenes, en un momento en que la depresión y la ansiedad están en aumento.
The Long And Winding Road To Mental Health Care For Your Kid
A growing mental health crisis among children is exacerbated by a national shortage of child psychiatrists and therapists. It’s either difficult to get, or to afford, an appointment for your child. Here’s some advice that might help.
¿Tiene sentido atrasar las vacunas de los niños?
Muchos pediatras dirán que es mejor un enfoque más gradual de las vacunas que no recibir ninguna, pero ofrecerán algunos consejos difíciles para los padres que lo estén considerando.
Does It Make Sense To Delay Children’s Vaccines?
The renewed squabble over vaccinations obscures a large group of parents who aren’t anti-vaxxers but spread out their children’s vaccines at a more gradual pace than doctors recommend. Pediatricians warn that could leave small children vulnerable to disease.