Elisabeth Rosenthal

An AI Chatbot May Be Your Next Therapist. Will It Actually Help Your Mental Health?

KFF Health News Original

Given a dire shortage of human behavioral health providers in the U.S., it may prove tempting for insurers to offer up apps and chatbots to meet the federal mental health parity requirement. But artificial intelligence, by definition fake, can’t master the empathic flow between patient and doctor that’s central to therapy.

Will the US Overcome Its Covid Complacency Even as the Threat Returns?

KFF Health News Original

One million Americans have died from covid-19 — far more per capita than in any other developed country. A new variant is doubling case rates in some states, and more than 300 people are dying a day. But our nation’s pandemic response has become mild-mannered and performative, backed by neither money, urgency, nor enforcement.

Is My Drug Copay Coupon a Form of Charity — Or a Bribe?

KFF Health News Original

Drug copayment assistance is a form of profitable charity — and, yes, that’s an oxymoron. Amid skyrocketing drug prices, it’s understandable that patients desperately need help affording medicine, especially when their health is on the line. But these programs create a mirage that perpetuates our health care system’s reckless spending.