Analysis: A Health Care Overhaul Could Kill 2 Million Jobs, And That’s OK
Reform has a cost. But the point of a health care system is to treat patients, not to buttress the economy.
Analysis: Why Americans Shouldn’t Feel Grateful For $137 Insulin
Only by the bizarre logic of the U.S. pharmaceutical industry does this drug count as any kind of generic.
Analysis: Pulling Back Curtain On Hospital Prices Adds New Wrinkle In Cost Control
The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to reveal their prices. If patients and politicians pay attention, this could be a game changer for health care.
¿Pueden los estados reparar el desastre que es el sistema de salud?
La legalización del matrimonio gay comenzó en algunos estados y se convirtió en una ley nacional. La marihuana parece seguir la misma ruta. ¿Podría ser el caso de la reforma sanitaria?
Analysis: Can States Fix The Disaster Of American Health Care?
The governor of California has proposed some big ideas. Who knows whether he can pull them off, but there’s reason for hope.
Politicians Hop Aboard ‘Medicare-For-All’ Train, Destination Unknown
Candidates are charging toward midterm elections on a platform of single-payer and universal coverage rhetoric. Yet “Medicare-for-all” and single-payer mean different things to different people.