How Older Patients Can Dodge Pitfalls Entrenched In Health Care System
What being old and sick in America can mean — and ways to navigate the often treacherous journey through the system.
Aprendiendo a destacar los aspectos positivos del envejecimiento
Los estereotipos en torno a la edad pueden desterrarse cambiando actitudes y miradas que estigmatizan a los adultos mayores.
Learning To Advance The Positives Of Aging
Stereotypes often undermine older adults, eroding their confidence, elevating their stress and harming their health.
Medicare Vs. Medicare Advantage: How To Choose
Despite Medicare Advantage plans’ increasing popularity, several key features remain poorly understood. Here is what you need to know.
Despite Boost In Social Security, Rising Medicare Part B Costs Leave Seniors In Bind
With higher premiums on tap for many Medicare enrollees, here’s help figuring out the particulars of the Part B puzzle and how it affects you.
Adultos mayores tendrán ajustes del Seguro Social, pero pagarán más por el Medicare
Millones de adultos mayores pronto serán notificados (si no lo han sido ya) que las primas del Medicare para servicios médicos están aumentando y podrían consumir el ajuste de costo de vida que recibirán el próximo año del Seguro Social.
Con dibujos, cuidadores encuentran apoyo para atender a un ser querido
Un proyecto con dibujos ayuda a los cuidadores a entender los lazos de afecto y apoyo que los rodean, lo que mejora la forma en que cuidan de un ser querido, y sus propias vidas.
Caregivers Draw Support By Mapping Their Relationships
Innovative CareMaps tool helps caregivers understand their roles and take steps to improve their lives.
Shedding New Light On Hospice Care: No Need To Wait For The ‘Brink Of Death’
Hospice care often prompts fear and misunderstanding, but the services provided can lead to less pain and trauma at the end of life.
Soul Purpose: Seniors With Strong Reasons To Live Often Live Stronger
New research bolsters evidence that older adults with a sense of purpose are less likely to see their health decline with age. The question is: How does one cultivate more meaning and motivation in life?
Asthma, More Deadly With Age, Takes Heavy Toll On Older Adults
Death rates for older adults with asthma run five times higher than younger people, and serious complications are far more common.
Cómo tener atención médica de largo plazo en el hogar sin caer en bancarrota
La gran mayoría de los adultos mayores reciben atención a largo plazo en sus casas, no en hogares. Pero pocas personas planean con anticipación para enfrentar este gasto.
How To Get Long-Term Care At Home Without Busting The Bank
The majority of older adults receive long-term care at home and need help covering these services with affordable insurance policies. The long-term insurance industry needs to focus on home care.
Estas medidas preventivas podrían ayudar a atrasar la demencia y el deterioro cognitivo
En un informe histórico, científicos han avalado tres estrategias para prevenir la demencia y el deterioro cognitivo asociados con el envejecimiento normal.
These Preventive Measures Might Help Delay Dementia Or Cognitive Decline
Recent research shows that controlling blood pressure, exercising and cognitive training around middle age could help prevent cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease.
Seniors Miss Out On Clinical Trials
Among hurdles: Older adults may have multiple illnesses that could complicate research or they might be unable to manage the commute.
Un problema en aumento: los adultos mayores que quieren estar solos
Muchas veces por problemas de información, adultos mayores que son dados de alta rechazan la atención de salud en el hogar, decisión que los puede poner en riesgo.
Leaving Hospital, Older Patients Resist Home Help At Their Peril
Almost 30 percent of patients leaving the hospital don’t want home health care services, which often leads to readmissions and other health issues.
Putting In Place An A-Team Of Allies
Older adults who face an uncertain future reach out to trusted friends to guide them.
Como el hambre o la sed, la soledad de los adultos mayores puede aliviarse
La creencia popular es que la soledad es una constante en el otoño de la vida. Pero un cuerpo considerable de investigaciones confirma que no es así.