After-Hours ER Care May Come With A Doctor’s Surcharge
Patients sometimes find an additional charge, generally between $30 and $200, tacked onto their bill for visiting a hospital emergency room between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.
Por qué padres con seguro laboral inscriben a sus hijos en el Medicaid
Cada vez más padres de bajos ingresos que tienen seguro de salud a través de sus empleos renuncian a la cobertura familiar e inscriben a sus hijos en el Medicaid o en el Programa de Seguro Médico para Niños (CHIP). Algo que, dicen los expertos, deben tener en cuenta los legisladores.
Marketplace Enrollment Still Important Despite Plans For Health Law Repeal
Republicans’ plans to overhaul the federal health law are not expected to take effect immediately, so consumers can still sign up for 2017 coverage.
Many Parents With Job-Based Coverage Still Turn To Medicaid, CHIP To Insure Kids
Researcher says the reliance on public programs is a lesson for lawmakers who will be considering renewing CHIP next year.
Doctors And Hospitals Say ‘Show Me The Money’ Before Treating Patients
As patients’ share of medical bills has grown with the rise in deductibles, copays and coinsurance, providers have become laser focused on getting payments up front.
HSA Balances Climb But Benefits Reward Wealthier Consumers Most
Expanding health savings accounts is a step favored by President-elect Donald Trump and many GOP lawmakers as they contemplate ways to replace the health law.
¿Sin anticonceptivos y gastando más?, qué le espera a las mujeres con el Trumpcare
La idea de que las mujeres perderían el acceso gratuito a anticonceptivos si la ley de salud se deroga o reemplaza es sólo la punta del iceberg del problema. Hay otros beneficios para la salud de las mujeres que también están en riesgo.
Beyond Birth Control, Women Could Pay More For Insurance Again Under TrumpCare
The federal health law offered new coverage guarantees for women, and some advocates fear they could change under Republicans’ efforts to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act.
Study Finds Nearby Retail Clinics Don’t Drive Down ER Visits
The results suggest that retail clinics may not provide a solution for reducing unnecessary emergency department visits, researchers say.
Obamacare y Trump: ¿qué puede pasar con su plan de salud?
Respuestas a las preguntas de los consumidores que tienen planes, o quieren comprar uno, en los mercados de salud.
Despite Anger At Health Law’s Mandate, GOP Plans Could Also Have Penalties
President-elect Donald Trump has suggested that he would like to keep the health law’s ban on preexisting conditions. But that only works if insurers can be guaranteed a robust market, so Republicans must figure out a way to coax in healthy customers.
Concerned About Losing Your Marketplace Plan? ACA Repeal May Take Awhile
Republican efforts to get rid of the federal health law are expected to take some time to work through Congress and leaders have promised to give consumers time to adjust to those changes.
Vietnam Veteran Who Died Of Hepatitis Added To Memorial Wall
Members of the military are more than twice as likely to have contracted hepatitis C than the general population. For many, the effects are felt years after the infection began.
Healthy Customers, And Those With Major Medical Needs, May Want Bronze Plans
The bronze plans’ lower premiums — coupled with the health law’s out-of-pocket-spending protections — may make these policies an attractive option.
Siete tips para evitar un dolor de cabeza al inscribirse en un plan de salud
Con el período abierto de inscripción para planes de salud en los mercados establecidos por la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible ya en marcha, los consumidores están preocupados por muchas cosas, desde el aumento de las primas hasta mantener al querido doctor.
7 Tips To Help Avoid Costly Health Plan Enrollment Headaches
Despite fears of rising costs and fewer insurers on the health law’s marketplaces, consumers can find the best deals by carefully evaluating plans and checking out the fine print.
Study Finds Significant Differences In Plans Sold On Or Off The Exchanges
Researchers at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found more bronze and gold offerings off the exchange and better out-of-network options. But there are no subsidies.
For Seniors, Teeth Need Care — But Insurance Coverage Is Rare
Traditional Medicare does not cover most dental needs and the private Medicare Advantage plans often have limited coverage, leaving most seniors struggling to pay for dental care out of pocket.
7 Insurers Alleged To Use Skimpy Drug Coverage To Discourage HIV Patients
The plans sought to discourage costly HIV patients by not including their drug needs in formularies or requiring high cost sharing, a Harvard Law School group says in a complaint filed with HHS.
How Narrow Is It? Gov’t Begins Test Of Comparison Tool For Health Plan Networks
This fall, the tool will be available in four states with hopes of expanding it to other states in the future.