In Florida, Midterm Elections Hold Faint Hope For Medicaid Expansion
Republicans’ overwhelming majorities in the state legislature make pursuing a policy that could benefit 660,000 uninsured adults a “long shot,” political analysts say.
Más recortes a los fondos para programas de navegadores de ACA
Los Centros de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid anunciaron que están reduciendo el dinero para financiar el trabajo de los navegadores, que ayudan a las personas a inscribirse y comprar o cambiar de plan de salud
Outrageous Or Overblown? HHS Announces Another Round Of ACA Navigator Funding Cuts
Advocates of the sweeping health law view this move by the Trump administration as its most recent act of sabotage. But not everyone views it as a mortal blow.
Trabajar para tener Medicaid: estados avanzan con la controversial norma
A pesar que un juez bloqueó le entrada en vigencia del requisito de trabajo para tener Medicaid en Kentucky, otros estados están avanzando con esta controversial estrategia.
Despite U.S. Court’s Ruling, Medicaid Work Requirements Advance In Other States
It’s not yet clear what impact the decision on Kentucky’s mandate will have on other state programs.
Judge Blocks Kentucky Medicaid Work Requirement
The program’s rollout was scheduled to begin Sunday.
Calabacita, pavo y arroz integral: Medicaid ofrece alimentos como medicinas
Un programa en Philadelphia entrega a domicilio comidas médicamente preparadas, que paga Medicaid, para ayudar a personas con condiciones crónicas a comer sano y mejorar.
Rx: Zucchini, Brown Rice, Turkey Soup. Medicaid Plan Offers Food As Medicine
A small group of insurers offers some members with serious illnesses medically tailored meals to improve their health.
As Medicaid Costs Soar, States Try A New Approach
New programs, known as ACOs, reward hospitals and physician groups that hold down costs by keeping enrollees healthy. The health care providers are asked to address social issues — such as homelessness, lack of transportation and poor nutrition — that can cause and exacerbate health problems.
5 Things To Know About Medicaid Work Requirements
The key issues in play when a U.S. District Court takes up a legal challenge to Kentucky’s Medicaid work requirement on Friday.
Medicare Financial Outlook Worsens
The Medicare board of trustees said the program’s hospital insurance trust fund could run out of money by 2026, three years earlier than previously forecast.
Verma Unveils State Medicaid Scorecard But Refuses To Judge Efforts
Seema Verma, who heads the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, refused to discuss the findings in any detail or comment on any individual states performing poorly or exceptionally.
4 Takeaways From Trump’s Plan To Rescind CHIP Funding
President Donald Trump is recommending that Congress approve his plan to take back about $7 billion in funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Plan. Experts are divided about whether it would have any effect.
Trump amenaza con recorte de $7 mil millones al programa de salud infantil CHIP
Una estrategia presupuestaria permitiría a la administración retirar fondos del programa de salud que ofrece cobertura a 9 millones de niños en todo el país.
Federal Officials Say No-Go To Lifetime Limits On Medicaid
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services rejects a plan by Kansas to cap benefits at three years.
Today’s Special: Obamacare Menu Labeling Rules Ushered In
Restaurants, convenience stores, vending machines and pizza delivery services are among the businesses that will have to provide calories counts to consumers.
Medicaid Minus Stigma: In Indian Country, It’s Part Of The Fabric Of Life
McKinley County, N.M., has the nation’s highest rate of Medicaid enrollment, and people there say it is vital to battle daunting economic and public health challenges.
States Extend Medicaid For Birth Control, Cutting Costs — And Future Enrollment
Medicaid family planning programs reduce unplanned births, but some are caught in disputes over federal funding to Planned Parenthood.
CMS Issues Split Decision On Arkansas Medicaid Waiver
A top Senate Democrat calls the move “a mockery of the HHS ethics process” after Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma did not recuse herself in the decision to approve the Medicaid work requirement in Arkansas — the third state to get such a waiver.
Obamacare crece en popularidad, a pesar de los esfuerzos de Trump por eliminarlo
La encuesta de la Kaiser Family Foundation encontró que el 54% de los estadounidenses tenía una opinión favorable de la ley de salud de 2010 que expandió la cobertura a millones.