“Lost on the Frontline” is an ongoing project by Kaiser Health News and The Guardian that aims to document the lives of health care workers in the U.S. who died from COVID 19, and to investigate why so many are victims of the disease.
The 30-Somethings Who Fled Big Cities To Shelter With Mom And Dad
Seeking comfort in the COVID outbreak is a major disruption for everyone that sometimes proves “lovely.”
As Youth Suicides Climb, Anguished Parents Begin To Speak Out
The suicide rate for children ages 10 to 14 almost tripled in a decade and is still rising. As parents grapple with loss, some turn to activism.
Around The Corner: 3D Housing Designed For The Homeless And Needy Seniors
As homelessness among older adults increases, a movement is afoot to use a powerful 3D printer to construct affordable and durable housing.
Extending ‘Healthspan’: Brain Scientists Tap Into The Secrets Of Living Well Longer
New thinking about aging spins on how to stay free of chronic illnesses and cognitive decline later in life.
For Boomers Reframing Aging, Age-Proofing A Home Won’t Come Cheap
More baby boomers look forward to aging in place — in their homes, rather than in a care facility. But the costs of retrofitting a house is likely prohibitive for many Americans.
Con lesiones en las cabezas, ¿los estados finalmente regularán los scooters?
El estudio de los CDC mostró un mayor número de hombres lesionados, pocos accidentes por choques con autos, y casi cero uso del casco de seguridad. Ya se registran muertes.
With Head Injuries Mounting, Will Cities Put Their Feet Down On E-Scooters?
As dockless electric scooters run roughshod through cities nationwide, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issues its first assessment on injuries and safety. It studied the injuries linked to riding e-scooters in Austin, Texas, from September through November. More than 200 people were hurt in scooter crashes and mishaps — with nearly half suffering head injuries.
Siempre conectados con miles de amigos, pero todavía se sienten solos
La soledad, que se considera epidémica entre los adultos mayores, está alcanzando a las generaciones jóvenes, siempre conectadas en las redes sociales.
Always Connected With Thousands Of ‘Friends’ — Yet Feeling All Alone
Millennials and Gen Zers say they often feel isolated even when surrounded by friends — both real and virtual.
La locura de los scooters en Austin pone a la velocidad como principal preocupación
Hay 14,000 patinetas eléctricas en la ciudad de Texas, en donde se han registrado múltiples accidentes, tanto de conductores como de peatones.
Scooter Madness In Austin Puts Safety Concerns In High Gear
As Austin and other cities across the USA deal with the invasion of e-scooters, injuries mount — along with calls for regulations. The findings from a CDC study may shed light on solutions.
Health Suffers Deep In The Troubled Heart Of Texas
The Lone Star State is an economic powerhouse, yet it fails to take care of its residents’ health and is home to some of the most extreme entrepreneurial medical practices.
¿Seguiremos siendo relevantes cuando tengamos 64 años?
El nido vacío, el retiro, son factores de cambio que hacen que muchas personas ya no se sientan relevantes. Qué hacer para vivir los 60 a pleno.
Will We Still Be Relevant ‘When We’re 64’?
Older adults often feel invisible as their interactions with younger people dwindle and hardly anyone seems to seek their advice. To make matters worse, studies link loneliness to weaker immune systems and poorer physical health.
Acoso sexual: por qué ahora las mujeres se animan a hablar
Motivadas por las revelaciones sobre el titán de Hollywood Harvey Weinstein, crece la lista de mujeres que se animan a denunciar el abuso.
The Power Of #MeToo: Why Hashtag Sparks ‘Groundswell’ Of Sharing — And Healing
A complex set of psychological and social factors are now propelling women to break their silence about sexual harassment.
Una tendencia que crece, adultos mayores que viven en comunidad
La llamada covivienda está comenzando a ser popular entre los adultos mayores, como una alternativa al aislamiento social. Son hogares que se construyen alrededor de áreas para uso colectivo.
For Active Seniors, Cohousing Offers A Cozier Alternative To Downsizing
Far from a commune or coop, these planned villages are no less about cooperation and community.
Después de Charlottesville: por qué las personas se unen a grupos de odio
Hay 917 grupos de odio conocidos en los Estados Unidos, un número que ha ido aumentando en los últimos dos años, según datos del Southern Poverty Law Center.