Stephanie Stapleton

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Today’s headlines – May 31, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning, here are your headlines for this Thursday! The Washington Post: Medical Device Tax Repeal Bill Gains Some Ground Makers of medical devices are gaining some momentum in a vigorous campaign to persuade Congress to scrap a tax imposed on their industry by the 2010 health-care law. A bill to void the tax sponsored […]

Today’s headlines – May 30, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your headlines to get your Wednesday started: The Associated Press/Washington Post: Few Takers For Obama’s Small-Business Health Care Tax Credit; Congress Unlikely To Fix Flaws Time-consuming to apply for and lacking enough financial reward to make it attractive, the credit was claimed by only 170,300 businesses out of a pool of […]

Today’s Headlines – May 22, 2012

KFF Health News Original

The Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire: No Confirmation Hearing Planned For Marilyn Tavenner Senate Democrats have said they aren’t planning a confirmation hearing for Marilyn Tavenner, the acting top official at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, ending months of speculation over whether they would try to get the agency its first permanent leader […]

Today’s Headlines – May 21, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Here are your Monday morning headlines to get your week rolling: NPR’s Shots Blog: Poll: What It’s Like to Be Sick In America In the lull between the Supreme Court arguments over the federal health overhaul law and the decision expected in June, we thought we’d ask Americans who actually use the health system quite […]

Today’s Headlines – May 18, 2012

KFF Health News Original

You made it to Friday. Enjoy your weekend, but first, here are your headlines: The Wall Street Journal: Geithner Says Austerity Alone Won’t Work Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sharpened the Obama administration’s criticism of Republican fiscal policy in a speech Thursday, pushing back against the GOP on calls for immediate spending cuts and long-term plans […]

Today’s Headlines – May 17, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your headlines: Los Angeles Times: Congress’ Partisan Fight Persists Despite High-Level Overture As President Obama welcomed congressional leaders for a White House chat over hoagies about setting aside differences to improve the economy, a far different scenario was unfolding at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue. Republicans in the House and […]

Today’s Headlines – May 16, 2012

KFF Health News Original

The New York Times: Republicans Pledge New Standoff On Debt Limit But Republicans have not been able to unify around an alternative. Instead, they will bring forward four different budgets for the 2013 fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1 — with a budget passed by House Republicans viewed as the most liberal of the lot. […]

Today’s Headlines – May 15, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your headlines: The Washington Post: Taxmageddon Sparks Rising Anxiety The halls of the U.S. Capitol are already teeming with people warning of disaster if lawmakers fail to defuse a New Year’s budget bomb scheduled to raise taxes for every American taxpayer and slash spending at the Pentagon and most other federal […]

Today’s Headlines – May 14, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning and welcome to Monday: The Washington Post: Ryan Budget Still An Issue In Congressional Races The issue in question is the budget proposal issued by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), and what it does to Medicare in particular. More than a year after the proposal’s initial release, Republican candidates continue to […]

Today’s Headlines – May 11, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday! Here are your morning headlines! The New York Times: House Approves $310 Billion In Cuts, But Passage In The Senate Very Unlikely Of the savings, $23.5 billion came from Medicaid and children’s health care; $4.2 billion from hospitals that serve the poor and uninsured; and $33.7 billion from supplemental nutrition assistance. In all, […]

Today’s Headlines – May 10, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Today’s headlines detail the fight at the Capitol over the budget and what automatic cuts could mean if allowed to take effect next year. NPR: House To Vote On GOP Bill Favoring Guns Over Butter Republicans who control the House want to block some $55 billion worth of automatic cuts to the Pentagon budget next […]

Today’s Headlines – May 9, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Here are your morning headlines: Los Angeles Times: Senate Republicans Block Proposal To Keep Student Loan Rates Low Republicans also want to avoid raising the rate on college loans, but would pay for it by eliminating a public health fund in Obama’s new healthcare law. The stalemate comes as both parties turn routine legislative votes […]

Today’s Headlines – May 8, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Los Angeles Times: Congress Returns To Fight For The Presidency Democrats will seek to portray Republicans as protecting the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. Republicans will use the sluggish economy and Obama’s healthcare law as prime examples of big government failures. … The fight over student loan interest rates, which […]

Today’s Headlines – May 7, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Happy day to you! It may be Monday, but let these headlines take your mind off it: The Washington Post: The Associated Press/Chicago Tribune: House GOP Plan Cuts Social Programs To Stave Off Pentagon Cuts Fully one-fourth of the House GOP spending cuts come from programs directly benefiting the poor, such as Medicaid, food stamps, […]

Today’s Headlines – May 4, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday! Here are your end-of-week headlines! The Washington Post: Poll: Obama Leads Romney As Campaigns Converge On Virginia The Democratic president has a key advantage in his bid for re¬election: The coalition of Virginians that helped propel him to victory in 2008 — young voters, suburban Washingtonians, women and African Americans — is largely […]

Today’s Headlines – May 3, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! You’re over the hump, here’s Thursday’s headlines: The Associated Press/Washington Post: Problems Seen For Medicare Provider Payments If Supreme Court Strikes Down Health Care Law Tossing out President Barack Obama’s health care law would have major unintended consequences for Medicare’s payment systems, unseen but vital plumbing that handles 100 million monthly claims from […]

Today’s Headlines – May 2, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good Wednesday morning! Here are your headlines: Politico: GOP: Cut State Bonuses For Children’s Health Care House Republicans want to stop rewarding states for finding and enrolling low-income children in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and public health advocates are livid. The Republicans say it’s a smart fiscal move that will better protect […]

Today’s Headlines – May 1, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Good morning! Here are your early headlines: The Associated Press/Washington Post: On Taxes, Health Care And Government’s Role, Obama And Romney Offer Distinct Choices To Voters Those differences surely exist. Obama and his Republican challenger are offering voters a distinct choice on taxes, a sharp disagreement over health care and a classic ideological divide on […]

Today’s Headlines – April 30, 2012

KFF Health News Original

The New York Times: The Ticket: Ryan’s Rise From Follower To GOP Trialblazer His prescriptions in the Republican budget plan he devised have become his party’s marching orders: cut income tax rates and simplify the code, privatize Medicare, shrink the food-stamp and Medicaid programs and turn almost all control over to the states, and reduce […]

Today’s Headlines – April 27, 2012

KFF Health News Original

Happy Friday from Kaiser Health News.  Here are today’s top headlines: Los Angeles Times: Obama Healthcare Reforms Lead To $1.3 Billion In Insurance Rebates U.S. consumers and businesses will receive an estimated $1.3 billion in rebates from insurance companies this year, according to a new study quantifying a key early benefit of the healthcare law […]