Telemedicina: guía para entender las citas médicas a distancia
Algunos consideran que es la atención primaria del futuro. Otros temen que la telemedicina lesione el vínculo médico-paciente. Lo cierto es que las citas virtuales crecen día a día.
Hoping To See Your Doctor Via Telemedicine? Here’s A Quick Guide.
All private health plans, Medicare, state Medicaid programs and the VA now cover some e-visits — albeit with restrictions.
Centros comunitarios de salud obtienen fondos a largo plazo
Como parte de la legislación para no cerrar el gobierno federal, estos centros que reciben a 27 millones de personas cada año en todo el país tendrán dinero por dos años.
Community Health Centers Caught In ‘Washington’s Political Dysfunction’
The centers, which serve 27 million people, get about 20 percent of their funding from the federal government. But that revenue is slated to end on March 31.
Rising Health Insurance Costs Frighten Some Early Retirees
Higher premiums loom for Americans in their late 50s and early 60s who are still too young for Medicare and don’t qualify for subsidies under Obamacare.
Licencia médica paga, una idea que trasciende las batallas políticas
Estados Unidos es el único país industrializado que no garantiza una licencia paga para cuidar a un niño o un miembro de la familia enfermo. Republicanos y demócratas pueden estar actuando para cambiar esto.
Paid Parental Leave May Be The Idea That Transcends Politics
The Trump administration’s 2018 budget calls for a national paid-leave plan for parents after the birth or adoption of a child. It’s not clear yet whether congressional Republicans will agree.
As Insurance Options Shrink, Families Are ‘Holding Our Breath’
One of two insurers in this tiny state has announced it will not be back in the marketplaces next year, leaving customers concerned about the prices they will pay.
HHS, States Move To Help Insurers Defray Costs Of Sickest Patients
In a letter to all governors, HHS Secretary Tom Price invited them to consider seeking federal help to set up reinsurance funds that would help cover losses that insurers have because of high numbers of sick patients.
Liberal Vermont Tests The Waters On GOP Health Care Overhaul
Vermont embarks on a six-year experiment to redesign health care and how it’s paid for.
Los ganadores y los perdedores del 21st Century Cures Act
El 21st Century Cures Act que firmó el presidente Barack Obama el martes 13 de diciembre es un éxito legislativo para la industria farmacéutica. Qué podría pasar con los servicios de medicina preventiva.
Grab Bag Of Goodies In 21st Century Cures Act
A breakdown of winners — and a few losers — in the sprawling Cures Act approved by the House.
Long-Stalled FDA Reform Sits On Senate’s Lame-Duck Calendar
The legislation would give federal officials more flexibility in evaluating the effectiveness and safety of drugs and devices and add billions of dollars to NIH funding. But critics say it could endanger patients’ safety and doesn’t do enough to stop spiraling drug prices.
A Consumer’s Guide To Medicare’s New Rules On Doctor Pay
Federal officials have released final regulations for the new program, which will reward physicians for providing high quality, efficient care.
Doctors Raise Concerns For Small Practices In Medicare’s New Payment System
The government is laying out plans to use payment incentives to promote higher quality care, but physicians say the new system may be hard on solo practices and small groups.