Latest News On Covered California

Latest KFF Health News Stories

Shortage Of Insurance Fraud Cops Sparks Campaign Debate

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About a quarter of fraud investigator positions at the state Department of Insurance are open, and Steve Poizner has made the vacancies a focus of his campaign for insurance commissioner. His opponent, Ricardo Lara, says chasing criminals isn’t the only solution to rising health care costs.

California’s ACA Rates To Rise 8.7% Next Year

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The average increase in California is smaller than the double-digit hikes expected around the nation, due largely to a healthier mix of enrollees and more competition in its marketplace. Still, health insurance prices keep growing faster than wages and general inflation.

Listen: A Sudden Freeze On ACA Payouts And What It Means For You

KFF Health News Original

The Trump administration suspended a program over the weekend that helps stabilize the health insurance exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act, prompting some insurance companies to warn of higher premiums. KHN’s Julie Rovner and Chad Terhune explain the uncertain health care landscape in the U.S.

Ding Dong! The Obamacare Tax Penalty Is(n’t) Dead

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When President Donald Trump signed the nation’s new tax law, he also killed the Affordable Care Act’s tax penalty — but not until 2019. Despite widespread confusion, experts caution that consumers still need to pay the tax penalty if they were uninsured last year or will be this year.