Latest KFF Health News Stories
Senate Democrats Delay HHS Nominee Over Women’s Health Funding
Sen. Patty Murray questions Dr. Brett Giroir’s willingness to stand up for women’s health programs such as family planning services and teenage pregnancy prevention.
Cruz Plan Gets Thumbs Up From HHS But Thumbs Down From Most Everyone Else
During another day of fast-moving developments, Senate Republicans signaled their intent to attempt to bring an updated repeal-and-delay bill to the floor for a vote next week.
Transgender Health Care Targeted In Crusade To Undo ACA
HHS Secretary Tom Price and President Donald Trump have vowed to use administrative powers to mitigate the health law rules that created “burdens” or that don’t match up with their agenda.
Capitol Hill Dems, HHS Secretary Price Trade Jabs On HHS Budget
Tom Price defends proposed spending reductions in Medicaid and other HHS programs while demurring on questions about cost-sharing subsidies for the 2018 Obamacare marketplace.
A Busy Week For Health: Budget Cuts, CBO Scores And Mitch McConnell’s Cryptic Signal
KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey and Julie Rovner discuss some of the developments that shook up health news this week.
CMS Gives States Until 2022 To Meet Medicaid Standards Of Care
The Trump administration has given states three more years to meet federal standards aimed at helping elderly and disabled Medicaid enrollees receive services without being forced to go into nursing homes.
Grassley, Chaffetz Send Fiery Response To HHS Memo They Say Chills Whistleblowing
The two Republican lawmakers sent a letter to HHS Secretary Tom Price warning him that whistleblowers in HHS could be intimidated into silence by a department memo instructing employees to get clearance before talking with members of Congress and their staffs.
Medicare no investigó 96 casos de peligrosas infecciones en hospitales
Un informe oficial cuestiona el sistema para reportar y monitorear infecciones adquiridas en centros de salud. Los hospitales reciben bonos, o multas, según el número de casos.
Medicare Failed To Investigate Suspicious Infection Cases From 96 Hospitals
The HHS inspector general’s office found that Medicare should have done an in-depth review of suspicious or aberrant infection reports from scores of hospitals.
Repeal, Replace … Revise: Your Guide To How A Trump Proposal Might Change ACA Insurance
Even though the GOP health plan is stalled by intraparty negotiations, some big insurance changes are still in the works.
Muerte por 1,000 recortes: cómo pueden los republicanos alterar su cobertura de salud
Los peores enemigos de la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible ahora están a cargo. Y están discutiendo cambios que podrían afectar a una más amplia red de planes de empleadores y a la cobertura del Medicare para los adultos mayores.
Death By 1,000 Cuts: How Republicans Can Still Alter Your Coverage
There are many ways beyond legislative repeal for the Trump administration and congressional Republicans to unravel the Affordable Care Act.
Senators Demand Answers About Possible Probe Of HHS Secretary Price
Democratic senators want the Justice Department to reveal what it knows about ProPublica’s recent report that HHS Secretary Tom Price’s stock trades were under investigation by former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara before the Trump administration fired him.
Popular Guarantee For Young Adults’ Coverage May Be Health Law’s Achilles’ Heel
Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much these days, but both parties want to keep the health law’s provision to allow adults to stay on their parents’ plan until age 26. But that could be hurting the marketplace’s insurance pools.
Trump’s Promise To Rein In Drug Prices Could Open Floodgate To Importation Laws
Sen. Bernie Sanders’ bill to allow Americans to buy cheaper medicines from Canada would bypass a requirement that blocked past legislative efforts over two decades.
Report: Fired U.S. Attorney Was Probing Tom Price’s Stock Trades
The HHS Secretary bought stock in companies that stood to benefit from legislation he voted for and sponsored as a Georgia congressman.
New Rules Try To Shore Up Individual Health Insurance Market In 2018
The Trump administration’s first health regulation would shorten the enrollment periods and make it harder for patients to get coverage outside of that annual signup period.
Influence Of GOP Doctors Caucus Grows As Congress Looks To Replace Health Law
As conservative physicians rise to more powerful positions in government, some question whether they speak for the nation’s doctors.
El secretario de Salud Tom Price podría cambiar rápido 5 temas clave de salud
La planificación familiar, Planned Parenthood y hasta el consumo de tabaco podrían verse rápidamente afectados por medidas que podría tomar el flamante secretario de Salud.
Five Quick Ways HHS Secretary Tom Price Could Change The Course Of Health Policy
After a tough fight by Democrats, Senate Republicans confirmed Rep. Tom Price’s nomination to head the Department of Health and Human Services. He will have the authority to upend some current practices.