Needle Pain Is a Big Problem for Kids. One California Doctor Has a Plan.
The pain and trauma from repeated needle sticks leads some kids to hold on to needle phobia into adulthood. Research shows the biggest source of pain for children in the health care system is needles. But one doctor thinks he has a solution and is putting it into practice at two children’s hospitals in Northern California.
Movimientos en contra de las vacunas perjudican a los niños más vulnerables
La desinformación, junto con un movimiento por el derecho de los padres que aleja la toma de decisiones de la salud pública, ha contribuido a las tasas de vacunación infantil más bajas en una década.
How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Pits Parental Rights Against Public Health
Framed in the rhetoric of choice, Tennessee’s new law governing childhood vaccinations is among more than a dozen recently passed or pending nationwide that set parental freedom against community and children’s health.
KFF Health News' 'What the Health?': The State of the Union Is … Busy
At last, Congress is getting half of its annual spending bills across the finish line, albeit five months after the start of the fiscal year. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden delivers his annual State of the Union address, an over-the-counter birth control pill is (finally) available, and controversy erupts over new public health guidelines for covid-19 isolation. Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico, Sarah Karlin-Smith of the Pink Sheet, and Sandhya Raman of CQ Roll Call join KFF Health News’ Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also this week, Rovner interviews Neera Tanden, the White House domestic policy adviser, about Biden’s health agenda. Plus, for “extra credit,” the panelists suggest health policy stories they read this week that they think you should read, too.
Brote de sarampión: Florida dice que niños no vacunados pueden ir a la escuela, desafiando a los CDC
La mayoría de las personas que no están protegidas por una vacuna contraerán sarampión si se exponen al virus. Existe riesgo de muerte.
The state’s surgeon general grants parents permission to send unvaccinated children to school during a measles outbreak, risking their health and that of others.
How Fringe Anti-Science Views Infiltrated Mainstream Politics — And What It Means in 2024
Opposition to vaccines and other public health measures backed by science has become politically charged. That makes dangerous misinformation much harder to fight.
Covid sigue matando gente. Esto recomiendan los médicos para protegerse
Las pandemias no se definen por el tiempo ni por la gravedad, sino por grandes cantidades de infecciones en curso en todo el mundo. Las emergencias son agudas y se declaran para desencadenar una respuesta urgente.
Montana’s Effort to Expand Religious Exemptions to Vaccines Prompts Political Standoff
The dispute between state lawmakers and health department officials could delay a broader package of child care licensing changes until 2025.
‘Emergency’ or Not, Covid Is Still Killing People. Here’s What Doctors Advise to Stay Safe.
Thousands of people are still dying of covid, but government has mostly handed over responsibility to the people to weather the seasonal surges with their own strategies.
Cómo impactaría una segunda presidencia de Trump en la atención de salud
Intentar pronosticar las prioridades de Trump en un segundo mandato es aún más difícil ya que cambia frecuentemente de posición sobre los temas, y lo hace muchas veces.
What Would a Second Trump Presidency Look Like for Health Care?
Health policy during Donald Trump’s tenure was dominated by covid-19 and a failed effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. His appointments to the Supreme Court led to the end of national abortion rights, and he took steps to increase hospital price transparency and improve care for veterans.
What Would a Nikki Haley Presidency Look Like for Health Care?
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s tenure in the Palmetto State — which overlapped with several tumultuous years of health care reform — and her recent comments offer clues to how her presidency might affect national health care policy.
Hay una nueva variante de covid-19 y aumentan los casos. Lo que necesitas saber
A nivel nacional, se ha registrado un marcado aumento en las visitas a salas de emergencia y hospitalizaciones por covid-19, influenza y el virus respiratorio sincitial.
There’s a New Covid-19 Variant and Cases Are Ticking Up. What Do You Need to Know?
The covid-19 virus is continually changing, and a recent subvariant, the JN.1, is rapidly climbing the charts.
RFK Jr.’s Campaign of Conspiracy Theories Is PolitiFact’s 2023 Lie of the Year
Debate and speculation are heating up over whether Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign will factor into the outcome of the 2024 election. But one thing is clear: Kennedy’s political following is built on a movement that seeks to legitimize conspiracy theories.
Republicans Once Championed Public Health. What Happened?
It wasn’t that long ago that Republicans were all-in on boosting public health spending. “The highest investment priority in Washington should be to double the federal budget for scientific research,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) wrote in a 1999 op-ed in The Washington Post. Big spending increases for the National Institutes of Health soon […]
Journalists Delve Into Gun Violence, Medicaid’s ‘Unwinding,’ Opioid Lawsuits, and More
KFF Health News and California Healthline staffers made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.
GOP Presidential Hopefuls Use Trump’s Covid Record to Court Vaccine Skeptics
Candidates see former President Donald Trump’s embrace of his administration’s covid-19 vaccine policies as an opportunity to gain ground. So far, their efforts haven’t found traction.
Estrategia de Trump y sus adversarios de campaña: desinformar sobre las vacunas contra covid
La dinámica resultante podría impactar más allá del ciclo electoral, y afectar la política de salud pública en los próximos años. Y afectar a otras importantes vacunas.