Senior Citizens, Even 80-Year-Olds, Can Be Organ Donors
Organs from elderly deceased donors can work for years, says a new study that supports growing views among U.S. transplant experts.
More Prisoners Die Of Old Age Behind Bars
New data show 4,980 inmate deaths in 2014, the most since counting began in 2001.
COBRA, Retiree Plans, VA Benefits Don’t Alleviate Need To Sign Up For Medicare
Thousands of people mistakenly think that if they have insurance, they can wait to sign up for Medicare Part B. Generally, insurance other than that provided by a current employer will not exempt them from Medicare’s strict enrollment requirements.
Caring For A Loved One At Home Can Have A Steep Learning Curve
People caring for someone at home often have zero training. Many learn on the fly, and some states are passing laws to make sure caregivers get at least basic instruction in home care.
¿Tiene estos síntomas? No significa que se está poniendo viejo
La fatiga, la debilidad y la depresión, entre muchas otras preocupaciones comunes, no son consecuencias inevitables de volverse viejo. En cambio, son una señal de que algo está mal y de que hace falta una evaluación médica.
You’re Not Just ‘Growing Old’ If This Happens To You
Some health problems that senior citizens blame on “growing old” are actually signs of a more serious issue that can be treated.
Seniors Increasingly Getting High, Study Shows
Marijuana use is increasingly popular among older Americans, a new study shows.
Slowing Down Hospital Discharge Requires Fast Action
Seniors who feel they’re being rushed out of the hospital can file an appeal to halt the process but they need to act fast.
Solos y envejeciendo: quién cuida a los adultos mayores sin familia
Cada vez más adultos mayores se encuentran solos en una etapa de la vida en la que necesitan la ayuda de un ser querido. Esfuerzos nacionales buscan crear nuevas redes sociales para apoyar a esta población.
Alone And Aging: Creating A Safety Net for Isolated Seniors
As numbers of vulnerable seniors without relatives rise, groups call for new efforts to navigate declines in physical and mental health.
Dementia Rates Decline Sharply Among Senior Citizens
Education and better heart health may deserve credit.
Study: Many Caregivers Spend $7K Annually Out Of Pocket
Caregivers often pay some housing, medical, transportation and other living expenses for those they help, an AARP survey finds.
How To Spend Your Final Months At Home, Sweet Home
Older adults who hope to spend the end of their lives at home need to take key steps to make that possible.
Seniors Suffer Amid Widespread Fraud By Medicaid Caretakers
A government watchdog report finds widespread fraud — in some cases involving patients’ severe neglect and death — in a Medicaid program that sends non-medical assistants to elderly and disabled peoples’ homes.
Medicare Bars New ‘Seamless Conversion’ Efforts For Some Seniors
Some insurers have been allowed to move customers on the health law’s marketplaces into their Medicare Advantage plans when they become eligible for Medicare, but seniors complain they didn’t always know it was happening.
How To Enroll In Medicare And Avoid Costly Mistakes
Enrolling in Medicare is confusing and mind-boggling if you don’t act at the right time and avoid costly mistakes.
Terminally Ill Patients Don’t Use Aid-In-Dying Laws To Relieve Pain
Ending pain and suffering has helped several states pass “right-to-die” laws, but dying patients are more concerned about controlling how they die and dying with dignity.
For Seniors, Teeth Need Care — But Insurance Coverage Is Rare
Traditional Medicare does not cover most dental needs and the private Medicare Advantage plans often have limited coverage, leaving most seniors struggling to pay for dental care out of pocket.
Big Raises For Many Home Care Workers Won’t Necessarily Help Senior Citizens
A $15 minimum wage will almost double what many home care workers are paid but won’t solve other problems.
Staying Out Of The Closet In Old Age
Many aging gays and lesbians who have lived openly for decades are finding that the world of assisted living and nursing homes can be decidedly less accommodating.