Kidney Sharing System May Change To Better Accomodate Older Patients
The United Network for Organ Sharing system for allocating kidneys is considering ranking the ages of donors and potential recipients. Kidneys with the lowest expected survival would be distributed more widely across the country, a move that would help older patients whose life expectancy is limited.
Long-Term Care Ombudsmen Face Challenges To Independence
The advocates for elderly and disabled people living in nursing homes or assisted living centers responded to 204,000 complaints nationwide in 2011.
Slowly Dying Patients, An Audit And A Hospice’s Undoing
For one San Diego Hospice, the trouble began with a federal audit.
‘The Matrix’ Meets Medicine: Surveillance Swoops Into Health Care
The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society is testing how using technology to monitor seniors’ health can save money on medical costs and help seniors feel secure enough to “age in place.”
As Population Diversifies, Rethinking How We Care For Elderly
Gerontologist Peggye Dilworth-Anderson discusses why we need to rethink what we perceive of as “normal” aging.
Insurance Commissioners Reject Calls To Limit Seniors’ Medigap Policies
The group argues that increasing cost-sharing would stop people from seeking necessary care.
Feds Say Nursing Homes Overbilled Medicare By $1.5 Billion
Nursing home group lashes out at government report, saying “bureaucrats” don’t know what’s good for patients.
Medicare Targets Health Plans With Low Ratings
Medicare officials are encouraging 525,000 beneficiaries to switch out of these 26 Medicare Advantage and drug plans that have received low ratings for three consecutive years.
VP Debate: Two Visions For Medicare
Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan laid out their parties’ competing visions for Medicare at the vice presidential debate in Danville, Ky., on Thursday.
Critical Decisions Await Patient, Family Members When Medicare Deadline Looms
Every day, at least 10,000 people turn 65 and most become eligible for Medicare. That can raise lots of questions: for those still working, should they enroll or keep their company’s health plan? If they retire, how does that affect spouses and children?
Denver Debate: The Candidates Discuss Medicare
Medicare and how to rein in its rapidly growning costs was a major focus of Wednesday night’s presidential debate in Denver between President Barack Obama and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.
House Republicans Attack Obama Administration On Medicare Advantage
In this edition of Health on the Hill, KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey interviews CQ Roll Call’s Emily Ethridge about today’s House Ways and Means health subcommittee hearing on the health law’s cuts to the private Medicare Advantage program.
Often Overlooked In Nursing Home Admission Paperwork Is An Arbitration Agreement
Signing the form means that if a problem can’t be amicably resolved, the patient or family agrees to take the dispute to a professional arbitrator rather than file a lawsuit.
Here’s a summary of President Barack Obama’s record on a range of health care issues, including Medicare.
Paul Ryan’s Health Care Record
By choosing Wis. Rep. Paul Ryan to be his running mate, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has put Medicare on the table as a major 2012 campaign issue. Here’s a summary of Ryan’s record on a range of health care issues, including Medicare.
Ohio Medicaid Program Raises Stakes For Nursing Homes
The state sets the largest financial incentive program in the country, tying about 10 percent of reimbursements to facilities’ meeting quality standards.
Medicare Studying Plans To Pay Nursing Homes Based On Quality
The 2010 health law directs the health program for seniors to create an incentive pay program for nursing homes.
Many People Would Like To Know Their Risk Of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease
Current testing provides only limited information and is generally discouraged by experts. In addition, health insurance generally doesn’t cover it.
U.S. Should Make ‘Life-Long Homes’ A Priority, Says Henry Cisneros
Former HUD secretary helps lay out plans for independent living in “an aging America” in a new book.
FAQ: How Paul Ryan Proposes To Change Medicare
The Republican-controlled House, along party lines, twice approved Ryan’s proposals to overhaul the popular program by giving beneficiaries a set amount of money every year to buy coverage from competing health plans. That is a fundamental shift from today’s program, where the federal government must help pay for every doctor visit and medical service that an individual uses.