Latest KFF Health News Stories
State Bans Pesticide Linked To Developmental Problems
California officials announced a ban on chlorpyrifos, a widely used pesticide that has been linked to lower IQs, lower birth weights and other developmental issues in children, even as the federal government fights to protect it.
California prohíbe pesticida vinculado a problemas de desarrollo
Varios estudios han relacionado la exposición prenatal al clorpirifos con bajo peso al nacer, reducción del coeficiente intelectual, trastorno por déficit de atención y síntomas del autismo en niños.
A Plan To Cover Immigrants Would Divert Public Health Dollars
California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposal to provide health coverage to unauthorized immigrants ages 19 to 25 would siphon money that four counties currently use for public health efforts such as battling contagious diseases.
Meth Vs. Opioids: America Has Two Drug Epidemics, But Focuses On One
In the West and Midwest, 70% of local law enforcement says meth is the bigger threat. It’s also a more difficult addiction to treat.
El largo y sinuoso camino para conseguir atención de salud mental infantil
Los Estados Unidos se enfrentan a una creciente escasez de profesionales de salud mental capacitados para trabajar con jóvenes, en un momento en que la depresión y la ansiedad están en aumento.
The Long And Winding Road To Mental Health Care For Your Kid
A growing mental health crisis among children is exacerbated by a national shortage of child psychiatrists and therapists. It’s either difficult to get, or to afford, an appointment for your child. Here’s some advice that might help.
For Those With Developmental Disabilities, Dental Needs Are Great, Good Care Elusive
Lack of access means that people with physical and cognitive disabilities have a heavier burden of dental disease.
Grupos denuncian atención médica y de salud mental deficiente a los detenidos por ICE
Grupos de derechos civiles denuncian que los inmigrantes detenidos en un centro de Adelanto, California, no reciben el urgente cuidado médico y mental que necesitan.
Will Ties To A Catholic Hospital System Tie Doctors’ Hands?
Doctors at the University of California’s flagship San Francisco hospital are sharply divided over a proposal to join forces with a Catholic-run system that restricts care on the basis of religious doctrine — part of a broader public debate as Catholic hospitals expand their reach.
States Weigh Banning A Widely Used Pesticide Even Though EPA Won’t
The pesticide chlorpyrifos has been linked to developmental problems in children. Some state and federal lawmakers want the chemical banned, but federal regulators are fighting to keep it on the market.
Aumentan las muertes de personas sin hogar en las calles de Los Ángeles
Un análisis de Kaiser Health News de datos oficiales muestra que las muertes han aumentado un 76% en los últimos cinco años, superando el crecimiento de la población sin hogar.
The Homeless Are Dying In Record Numbers On The Streets Of L.A.
Deaths of homeless people in Los Angeles County have jumped 76% in the past five years, outpacing the growth of the homeless population, according to a Kaiser Health News analysis of the coroner’s data. Experts say drug and alcohol abuse are significant factors.
Enfermedad del hígado graso afecta a niños latinos como un “tsunami silencioso”
Investigaciones recientes muestran que cerca de 1 de cada 4 personas en el país sufre la enfermedad del hígado graso. Pero entre los latinos, la tasa es significativamente más alta.
Liver Illness Strikes Latino Children Like A ‘Silent Tsunami’
Potentially deadly fatty liver disease, linked to overconsumption of sugar in drinks and food, often starts in childhood. The goal: Get children to change their habits.
Watchdogs Cite Lax Medical And Mental Health Treatment Of ICE Detainees
The Adelanto ICE Processing Center houses nearly 2,000 people in California. Federal, state and watchdog reviews say the Florida-based firm that runs the facility fails to provide adequate health care.
¿Cómo combatir las aterradoras súper bacterias? Cooperación y un jabón especial
En los Estados Unidos, cada año, al menos dos millones de personas se infectan con bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos, y unas 23,000 mueren por esas infecciones. La clave de prevención puede ser simple.
How To Fight ‘Scary’ Superbugs? Cooperation — And A Special Soap
Hospitals and nursing homes in California and Illinois hope that regional cooperation — and a special soap — will help them gain the upper hand against deadly antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
Heavy Rains, End Of Drought Could Help Keep West Nile Virus Subdued — For Now
Scientists say drought can spur transmission of the disease and that wetter winters since 2015 have helped reduce the number of infections in California. In the long term, however, climate change could mean more drought — and more infections.
Big Soda Pours Big Bucks Into California’s Capitol
The soda industry spent $11.8 million to influence policy statewide in 2017 and 2018. As politicians once again consider bills that would tax and label sugary drinks, more big money is expected to flow.
Mourning Paradise: Collective Trauma In A Town Destroyed
The depth of psychological damage after the fire in Paradise, Calif., may depend on how much help residents are getting now.