Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Heart-Attack Patients More Likely To Die After Ambulances Are Diverted
A study finds patients who suffered heart attacks in California were more likely to die within a year if their ambulances were diverted from the closest emergency room.
When Prisons Need To Be More Like Nursing Homes
By 2030, nearly one-third of all inmates will be over 55, the ACLU says, and caring for aged prisoners often costs twice as much as caring for younger ones. Some states – New York, California and Connecticut — are confronting the problem, however, with innovative programs meant to improve care and save money.
Can Health Care Be Cured Of Racial Bias?
Even as the health of Americans has improved, the disparities in treatment and outcomes between white patients and black and Latino patients are almost as big as they were 50 years ago. A growing body of research suggests that doctors’ unconscious behavior plays a role in these statistics.
Survey Confirms Significant Drop In California’s Uninsured
The California Health Interview Survey shows significant gains in insurance coverage but also points to disparities among ethnic groups.
California’s Plan To Absorb Medically Fragile Children Into Managed Care Proves Controversial
State officials say Medi-Cal managed care plans will better coordinate treatment for children needing highly specialized care. Parents and pediatric medical centers say it’s a bad idea.
Achieving Mental Health Parity: Slow Going Even In ‘Pace Car’ State
California regulators have tried harder than most to make mental health parity laws work but it’s been tough to enforce the rules and gain the cooperation of insurers.
California: Más Personas Con Seguro Médico… Y Conformes
Un esfuerzo más concertado, incluso a través de los medios de comunicación en español, parece estar funcionando. Una encuesta de la Kaiser Family Foundation realizada en California halló que los blancos no hispanos y los hispanos que fueron elegibles para el Obamacare ganaron cobertura a un ritmo similar. Y la mayoría está conforme con su nuevo seguro.
VIH: Promueven Píldora Preventiva Entre Hispanos
La medicación, que se usa como “Profilaxis de Pre Exposición” (PrEP), conocida comercialmente como Truvada fue aprobada por la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) en el 2012 para prevenir el VIH, y ha demostrado ser más de un 90 por ciento efectiva, cuando se la usa correctamente. Pero los trabajadores de salud están encontrando barreras culturales y económicas entre muchos latinos.
Oscar Wants To ‘Revolutionize’ Health Care. But Will It Even Survive Covered California?
Covered California made it official last week: After two years in the wilderness, UnitedHealthcare will return to the state’s individual insurance market and begin selling health plans on California’s exchange later this year. Not much can overshadow news about the nation’s largest insurer — except maybe a story about one of the smallest. Hi, Oscar. […]
Hospitals Seeking An Edge Turn To Unlikely Adviser: A Car Maker
Toyota, which bills itself as a model of efficiency in auto manufacturing, is sharing its strategies with public and nonprofit hospitals competing for newly insured patients.
Competition Improves Obamacare Choices In Rural Northern California
Consumers will have a choice of some plans that allow them to cross state lines for care, and every county will have at least three insurance companies offering plans on Covered California.
California Survey: Newly Insured Satisfied With Coverage, More Financially Secure
Formerly uninsured California residents no longer rank paying for health care as their primary financial concern. But some still see cost and access to care as a problem.
No Easy Feat: Promoting The PrEP Pill For HIV Prevention Among Latinos
The drug Truvada, used to halt HIV infection, has been shown to be more than 90 percent effective when used correctly. But many Latinos haven’t heard of it or are deterred by the cost and the stigma associated with being gay or bisexual.
Covered California Reports Modest Rate Increases, Regional Variation
Premiums for the state’s 1.3 million people in the state’s Obamacare marketplace will rise an average 4 percent, with average increases as low as 1.8 percent in Los Angeles and as high as 13 percent in Santa Cruz.
California Judge Dismisses Aid-In-Dying Lawsuit
A California woman sued to allow her doctor to prescribe life-ending medication without fear of prosecution; a decision is expected Monday.
California, Oregon To Allow Hormonal Contraceptives Without A Doctor’s Prescription
The two states are the first in the country to allow pharmacists to directly prescribe “the pill” and similar contraceptives.
Lacking Votes, Calif. Assembly Shelves Aid-In-Dying Bill
Supporters said they will continue to work with Assembly members to build support for the bill, which would allow doctors to write lethal prescriptions for some terminally ill patients with less than six months to live.
Calif. Advocates Hail Coverage Of Children In State Illegally, Seek Inclusion Of Adults
The budget deal announced by Gov. Jerry Brown last month grants Medicaid coverage to young Californian immigrants who are in the state without legal permission. Now comes the push for coverage of their parents and other adults.
‘A Terrible Way To End Someone’s Life’
Doctors often opt to forego aggressive care for terminal illnesses but fail to talk to their patients about their preferences.
LA Police Unit Works To Get Treatment For Mentally Ill Instead Of Jail Time
When officers in Los Angeles encounter people who may be mentally ill, they call in a specialized unit that offers help on the spot.