Latest KFF Health News Stories
As States Target High Drug Prices, Pharma Targets State Lawmakers
In Louisiana, the wining and dining of lawmakers by scores of pharma lobbyists proves a valuable lesson on how to win statehouse votes and influence profits.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ The State Of The (Health) Union
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Alice Ollstein of Talking Points Memo and Julie Appleby and Sarah Jane Tribble of Kaiser Health News discuss President Donald Trump’s promises to reduce drug prices in his first State of the Union Address. The panelists also discuss the departure of the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after conflict-of-interest reports and the efforts by some states to flout the Affordable Care Act.
Expert Advice For The Corporate Titans Taking On Health Care
Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are partnering up to address employee health care costs and improve satisfaction. Can they deliver? And would repackaging health insurance involve drones?
Idaho ‘Pushing Envelope’ With Health Insurance Plan. Can It Do That?
Many eyes are on the Trump administration to see how officials respond to Idaho’s approach to health insurance, which flouts some aspects of the Affordable Care Act.
¿Crisis familiar o nueva alegría? Obtenga licencia paga en ambos casos
El programa de licencia familiar de California permite que las personas tengan tiempo libre, y parcialmente pagado, para cuidar a un nuevo hijo o a un familiar enfermo. La tasa de reemplazo de salario aumenta este año.
Family Crisis Or New Joy? Get Paid Time Off For It
California’s family leave program allows people to get time off to care for a new child or sick relative. The wage replacement rate rises this year.
After Months In Limbo For Children’s Health Insurance, Huge Relief Over Deal
The Children’s Health Insurance Program drew bipartisan support for two decades. After brinkmanship over the federal budget, an agreement to end the shutdown has assured CHIP funding for six years.
States Face Costly Conundrum: How To Treat Inmates With Hepatitis C
Although the potentially fatal disease is common among the incarcerated, treatment with the latest hepatitis drugs isn’t.
How The Shutdown Might Affect Your Health
For some federal health programs, a shuttered government means business as usual. But the congressional impasse over funding will hit others hard.
Home Care Agencies Often Wrongly Deny Medicare Help To The Chronically Ill
Agencies sometimes turn away Medicare beneficiaries with chronic health problems by incorrectly claiming Medicare won’t pay for their services, say patient advocates.
Con incentivos en cupones de alimentos, ayudan a latinos a comer más sano
A través de recompensas monetarias, el programa “Más Fresco” en California ayuda a las familias de bajos recursos a comprar productos más saludables.
When Food Stamps Pass As Tickets To Better Health
A federally funded program is partnering with a Latino grocery chain to reward people who use their food stamps to put more fresh produce on their tables.
If Poor Neighborhood = Poor Health, Relocation Is One Solution
Research shows that living in more affluent, less segregated neighborhoods can improve health problems like asthma and high blood pressure. Communities around the country are experimenting with moving some families to boost their health.
With CHIP Funds Running Low, Doctors And Parents Scramble To Cover Kids’ Needs
Doctors are advising patients to be sure to fill medication orders now or are giving away drugs to make sure children have enough if their insurance disappears.
J.P. Morgan Health Conference All About The Deals Amid Uncertainty For Millions
The lofty ideas floated and billion-dollar deals sealed at J.P. Morgan’s elite annual conference stand in stark contrast to the uncertainty that clouds health care outside its confines.
El estado les da a los beneficiarios de Medi-Cal algo para sonreir
En enero, más de 7 millones de adultos californianos inscriptos en Medi-Cal recuperaron la cobertura para atención dental crítica, incluidas coronas y dentaduras parciales.
Giving Medicaid Enrollees Something To Smile About
More than 7 million California adults enrolled in Medi-Cal regained coverage for critical dental care, including crowns and partial dentures, this month.
HHS Nominee Vows To Tackle High Drug Costs, Despite His Ties To Industry
Alex M. Azar II, the former president of the U.S. division of Eli Lilly, says the U.S. drug system encourages price increases — but he intends to work on that problem.
Despite Prod By ACA, Tax-Exempt Hospitals Slow To Expand Community Benefits
The Affordable Care Act mandated that hospitals exempt from taxes work to provide health benefits to the community. But a study finds that has been slow to get off the ground.
Running On Empty: CHIP Funding Could Run Out Jan. 19 For Some States
A fiscal patch that Congress approved last month proves not enough to keep coverage for children afloat, CMS says.