Latest KFF Health News Stories
Descent Into Secrecy: Senate Health Talks Speak To Steady Retreat From Transparency
The Senate’s secret deliberation on the health bill overhaul is part of a long, slow slide away from transparency. And I’m a witness.
Tweet Revenge: Twitter Erupts As Diabetes Forum Tries To Lock Down Photo Sharing
This year’s American Diabetes Association scientific meeting came with a hefty price — a policy of no photography and limits on social media. That did not go over well on Twitter.
AARP: States Lag In Keeping Medicaid Enrollees Out Of Nursing Homes
States are not doing enough to help elderly and disabled Medicaid enrollees receive services in homes and community locations instead of in nursing homes, where care is more expensive, AARP report says.
Zika en América: la saga de una mamá hispana
Lo primero que hizo María Ríos cuando nació su beba es chequear el tamaño de su cabeza. Fue entonces cuando supo que sus miedos se habían hecho realidad: la niña había nacido con microcefalia, una consecuencia del zika.
Zika In America: One Mother’s Saga
So far, 72 affected babies have been born in the continental U.S. One young mother, infected in Mexico last year, and her infant face an uncertain future in rural Washington.
“¿Cuánto tiempo me queda, doctor?” Por qué muchos pacientes con cáncer no obtienen respuestas
Muchas veces los pacientes con cáncer no reciben respuestas adecuadas a preguntas críticas, entre ellas, la más crucial y universal de todas.
‘How Long Have I Got, Doc?’ Why Many Cancer Patients Don’t Have Answers
Due to poor doctor-patient communication, most people with advanced cancer don’t know enough about their disease to make vital decisions.
Quantity Over Quality? Minorities Shown To Get An Excess Of Ineffective Care
The researchers looked at 11 services that medical groups have said are often unnecessary and found that Hispanics and blacks got them at higher rates than whites.
Capitol Hill Dems, HHS Secretary Price Trade Jabs On HHS Budget
Tom Price defends proposed spending reductions in Medicaid and other HHS programs while demurring on questions about cost-sharing subsidies for the 2018 Obamacare marketplace.
If Insurance Market Crashes, Can Lawmakers Put The Pieces Back Together?
Actions by the Trump administration are putting pressure on the fragile market for individuals who buy their own coverage, but analysts say it should be able to rebound.
Former Pharma Reps’ New Mission: To School Docs On High Drug Costs
One insurer is turning the tables on drugmakers with what may be a new job category: a sales force for cost-effective medicine.
Daylight On Diabetes Drugs: Nevada Bill Would Track Insulin Makers’ Profits
With the cost of medications up 300 percent in the past decade, supporters see this as a first step to rein in prices.
A Community Seeks Answers, Assurances About Health Care — In 10 Languages
A forum for Asian immigrants in Oakland draws a crowd so large some attendees had to be seated in an overflow room. Many immigrants are eager for information relevant to them as changes to the health care system are debated in Washington.
Many COPD Patients Struggle To Pay For Each Medicinal Breath
One in 9 Medicare enrollees have COPD and many of them can’t afford the inhalers that keep them out of the emergency room.
As Government-Funded Cancer Research Sags, Scientists Fear U.S. Is ‘Losing Its Edge’
More of the research studies being presented at the world’s largest annual gathering of cancer scientists comes from abroad.
Putting In Place An A-Team Of Allies
Older adults who face an uncertain future reach out to trusted friends to guide them.
California’s New Single-Payer Proposal Embraces Some Costly Old Ways
The legislation would revive the age-old practice of paying providers for every service they perform — a recipe for a busted budget, some experts say. Backers say the bill is a work in progress.
Drug Rebates Reward Industry Players — And Often Hurt Patients
A new JAMA study examines how drug rebates can direct money to middlemen and force Medicare patients to cough up more money.
Millions Of Ill People May Face ‘Extremely High Premiums’ Under House Bill, CBO Says
The report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office evaluates last-minute changes made to the bill to help propel it to passage.
Millones de personas enfermas enfrentarían primas altísimas, según nuevo informe
El reporte dado a conocer por la Oficina de Presupuesto del Congreso indica que bajo una ley republicana de salud habría 23 millones de personas más sin seguro, y que millones pagarían mucho más por la atención de salud.