Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Hospitals Worry Repeal Of Obamacare Would Jeopardize Innovations In Care
One part of the federal health law gave hospitals financial incentives to improve patient care. Some invested big to make those changes and are worried about what losing that support would mean.
Renewed Cleaning Efforts For Scopes Not Enough To Vanquish Bacteria
A new study, though small, finds extensive damage to commonly used medical scopes that could trap dangerous bacteria. That raises concerns about the potential for more outbreaks.
Everything You Need To Know About Block Grants — The Heart Of GOP’s Medicaid Plans
Republican plans to transform Medicaid could help set debate on the role of government and entitlements. Here’s an explanation of how it could work.
People With Medical Debt Most Likely To Be Dunned By Collection Agencies
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reports in a new study that 59 percent of people contacted by a debt collector had outstanding medical bills.
California’s Community Clinics, Big ACA Beneficiaries, Worry About Their Future
A flow of Medi-Cal expansion dollars — and patients — has fueled significant growth, making clinics in California one of the linchpins of primary care under Obamacare.
Sleeping Like A Baby Is A $325 Million Industry
Newborn sleep is a valuable commodity.
KHN Video: Orphan Drugs Creating Gold Rush For Pharmaceutical Firms
The designation, which is made by the Food and Drug Administration, allows drugmakers to claim seven years of market exclusivity.
Inside Hospital, Families Find Refuge With Recliners, Tissues And Cake
More hospitals, including Montefiore Medical Center in New York, are setting up support centers to help stressed-out family members cope.
Sin Obamacare, ¿qué pasará con el seguro de salud a través de su empleo?
Si piensas que porque tienes seguro de salud a través de tu trabajo en una gran compañía, no te afectará si los republicanos cambian el Obamacare, piénsalo dos veces. Muchas de las provisiones de la ley también aplican a los planes ofrecidos por grandes empleadores.
Sky-High Prices For Orphan Drugs Slam American Families And Insurers
Orphan drugs for rare diseases have helped or saved hundreds of thousands of patients like 2-year-old Luke Whitbeck, but families and insurers are picking up the astronomical cost.
Una investigación de Kaiser Health News analiza las acciones de compañias farmacéuticas para manipular los precios de medicamentos huérfanos, utilizados para tratar enfermedades raras.
Large Employer Health Plans Could Also See Some Impacts From Obamacare Overhaul
With the future of Obamacare on the line, workers might want to consider what benefits they have gained through the landmark law.
Drugmakers Manipulate Orphan Drug Rules To Create Prized Monopolies
Drugmakers have brought almost 450 orphan drugs to market and collected rich incentives but nearly a third of those products aren’t new or were repurposed multiple times, an investigation shows.
Follow the twists and turns of the orphan drug industry over the past three decades.
Cheaper Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids Could Be On The Way
The FDA and other agencies are loosening restrictions on hearing aid sales and opening the door to less expensive, over-the-counter products.
HHS Secretary: Give Medicare Authority To Negotiate Drug Prices
More work is needed to improve health care in U.S., but there are no “silver bullets” to get the job done, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell tells the National Press Club in a farewell speech defending Obamacare.
One In Three Women With Breast Cancer Treated Unnecessarily, Study Concludes
Mammograms find many slow-growing cancers that aren’t life-threatening and shouldn’t be treated, a Danish study said.
New Rules to Limit ‘Death Fees’ For California Medicaid Enrollees
Medi-Cal’s controversial program to go after your assets when you die will be significantly curtailed, but some enrollees could be hit by new claims.
In Towns That Lost Most Obamacare Insurers, Rate Increases Still Competitive
Premiums on 2017 plans are rising by comparable amounts both in counties where multiple insurers still compete and in those where only one insurer remains after several companies stopped selling individual plans under the health law, according to Avalere, a consulting firm.
Leading Republicans See A Costly Malpractice Crisis — Experts Don’t
The incoming HHS secretary wants to boldly reform the malpractice system, saying hundreds of billions are wasted on “lawsuit abuse” and defensive medicine. Industry experts say premiums and claims are down and “it’s a wonderful time for doctors.”