Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Bundled Payments Work, Study Finds, But HHS Nominee No Fan
A study found that Medicare’s bundled payments model for joint replacement could save the government billions of dollars without harming patient care.
Millones de personas buscan medicamentos más baratos fuera de EE.UU.
Por los altos precios de los medicamentos, millones de personas, en general respetuosas de la ley, han reaccionado cometiendo un acto ilegal: comprándolos fuera de los Estados Unidos.
Medicare Pays For A Kidney Transplant, But Not The Drugs To Keep It Viable
The federal government pays for kidney transplants. But the program only pays for essential anti-rejection drugs for three years. Many people can’t afford them and can end up losing the kidney.
California Hopes $3 Billion Experiment Will Improve Health Of Neediest
Pilot projects are being launched in 18 counties to reduce ER visits among Medi-Cal’s most costly patients.
Alleged Scheme To Fix Generic Drug Prices Started At Dinners And ‘Girls Nights Out’
Investigators claim drugmaker employees met in secret at restaurants, golf outings and at “Girls Night Out” to raise generic drug prices.
New Medicare Rules Should Help ‘High Need’ Patients Get Better Treatment
Medicare is launching new regulations in January that will provide higher reimbursements for doctors involved in care coordination for seriously ill people.
Faced With Unaffordable Drug Prices, Tens Of Millions Buy Medicine Outside U.S.
Eight percent of those polled by the Kaiser Family Foundation say they have purchased medications outside of the U.S. to save money.
Please, Baby, Please: Some Couples Try Crowdfunding For IVF
Infertility treatment rarely is covered by health insurance. And more couples who need it to conceive are turning to crowdfunding sites.
After-Hours ER Care May Come With A Doctor’s Surcharge
Patients sometimes find an additional charge, generally between $30 and $200, tacked onto their bill for visiting a hospital emergency room between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.
COBRA, Retiree Plans, VA Benefits Don’t Alleviate Need To Sign Up For Medicare
Thousands of people mistakenly think that if they have insurance, they can wait to sign up for Medicare Part B. Generally, insurance other than that provided by a current employer will not exempt them from Medicare’s strict enrollment requirements.
Los ganadores y los perdedores del 21st Century Cures Act
El 21st Century Cures Act que firmó el presidente Barack Obama el martes 13 de diciembre es un éxito legislativo para la industria farmacéutica. Qué podría pasar con los servicios de medicina preventiva.
Grab Bag Of Goodies In 21st Century Cures Act
A breakdown of winners — and a few losers — in the sprawling Cures Act approved by the House.
Senate Approves Landmark Mental Health Bill As Part Of 21st Century Cures Act
The U.S. Senate passed a landmark bill to help millions of Americans suffering from mental illness.
Doctors And Hospitals Say ‘Show Me The Money’ Before Treating Patients
As patients’ share of medical bills has grown with the rise in deductibles, copays and coinsurance, providers have become laser focused on getting payments up front.
Helping Ex-Inmates Stay Out Of The ER Brings Multiple Benefits
Each year, millions of Americans leave jail and prison. When they do, they’re likely to have a hard time managing their health. Some clinics are trying to provide ex-inmates with better, cheaper care.
HSA Balances Climb But Benefits Reward Wealthier Consumers Most
Expanding health savings accounts is a step favored by President-elect Donald Trump and many GOP lawmakers as they contemplate ways to replace the health law.
Health Law’s Test Kitchen For Payment Reforms Could Offer Tool For GOP Ideas
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation was charged by the health law with exploring payment reforms that could cut health care costs and possibly improve quality. But its future is hinged to whether GOP lawmakers see value in its work.
Enfermos… ¿y en bancarrota? Consumidores gastarán más en drogas en 2017
En 2017, muchos más planes de salud en los mercados de seguros requerirán que los consumidores paguen una sustancial parte del costo de los medicamentos más caros, dicen, para disuadir a pacientes muy enfermos de elegir sus planes.
Need Pricey Drugs From An Obamacare Plan? You’ll Shoulder More Of The Cost
A Kaiser Health News analysis finds that the portion of federal marketplace plans requiring people to pay a third or more of the cost of specialty drugs have jumped from 37 to 63 percent since 2014.
Worries About Health Insurance Cross Political Boundaries
The uncertainty over what could replace Obamacare has left many uneasy about what will happen with their medical care.