Latest KFF Health News Stories
California Working Overtime To Enroll Consumers On Marketplace — And To Train People To Help
Once consumers are primed to enroll, the hand-off to counselors has been rocky. Many counselors are still attending training or are awaiting background checks and state-issued licenses; some just need a computer log-in.
A Reader Asks: My Coverage Is Intermittent. Can I Do Better On The Marketplace?
A contract worker looks for more consistent coverage.
Mississippi Consumers Try And Try Again To Use
In Mississippi, one of 36 states dependent on the federally run health insurance marketplace, consumers continue to face long delays and other technical difficulties.
Five Lessons From Massachusetts About Obamacare Rollout
Health reform in Massachusetts — also known as “Romneycare” — had a messy start in late 2006, but the state figured out how to make sure nearly everyone has insurance coverage.
Problems Continue For Some Users On Minnesota’s Health Insurance Exchange
Intermittent problems with MNsure’s online insurance marketplace persist, but officials are saying consumers will have an easier time this week.
Brokers and insurers can sell their traditional products, but they may also sell some plans available on the marketplaces that offer subsidies for customers.
A Reader Asks: If I Don’t Have Insurance, How Can I Pay For A Colonoscopy?
The health law expands coverage for preventive services, but it only applies to those who have insurance policies.
Marketplace Plans Vary Widely In Costs, Within Counties And Across The Country
Even the same plan can carry dramatically different price tags in different areas
Part-Time Workers Search Obamacare’s New Exchanges For Health Insurance
Many will find better coverage with smaller monthly premiums on the exchanges set up under the Affordable Care Act, insurance specialists say. But some low-income part-timers are finding they don’t qualify for federal health insurance subsidies.
5 Things To Remember About Shopping On The Health Insurance Marketplaces
Consumers should start now thinking about their options and should weigh the total costs, not just premiums, as well as the network of doctors and hospitals associated with each plan.
Experts Suggest Software Problems, Not Just Demand, May Be Behind Marketplace Glitches
Insurance companies confirm a small number of successful signups through the federal website.
Insurance Brokers Look For Relevance As Health Exchanges Grow
Health Insurance brokers, once worried the health law would put them out of business, are now planning on flexing their expertise muscles to help guide people through the process of buying and getting the most out of their coverage.
A Former ‘Young Invincible’ Looks Forward to Health Insurance
Brad Stevens, 54, learned the hard way that being uninsured was risky as accidents and illness took a toll. Soon, he’ll qualify for California’s expanded Medicaid program.
Small Businesses May Find Relief In Health Insurance Exchanges Designed For Them
The health law provides new marketplaces for employers with 50 or fewer full time workers, designed to offer more affordable insurance to mom-and-pop businesses that have long had to pay more than large companies.
Back To Work After A Baby — But Without Insurance This Time
Pardit Pri, 29, is among the 5 million uninsured people in California. Insurance would give her peace of mind, but she worries whether she can afford it.
On Day 2, Federal Insurance Marketplace Offers Mixed Bag Of Problems, But Also Successes
The federal health insurance marketplace continued to frustrate consumers Wednesday with delays and software failures, but some people also reported progress.
Across The Country, Consumers Carefully Weigh Rollout Of Marketplaces
Many people encountered obstacles when trying to sign on to the online insurance marketplaces Tuesday; others are holding out for later.
Three Things To Know Before Buying A Health Plan — And Where To Find Them
Consumers shopping in the new Obamacare marketplaces will want to know these three things before buying coverage.
Seven Things To Know About Signing Up For Obamacare
What you need to know about signing up for ACA marketplace coverage: There are new benefits, and what you pay depends on your age, your address and how much you earn.
Obamacare Marketplaces Open, Despite Technical Glitches And Government Shutdown
The online marketplaces, also known as exchanges, sell plans effective as soon as Jan. 1. But they got a rocky launch, with software glitches in some cases and implementation delays in others.