Latest KFF Health News Stories
Language, Knowledge Are Barriers For Immigrants Seeking Insurance In California
The Obama administration is counting on outreach efforts to enroll Latinos and other immigrants. They tend to be younger than the general population, and so they balance out the costs of older, sicker people in the insurance pool.
Options For Young Adults: Stay On The Folks’ Plan, Move To The Marketplace Or Go Without
Children no longer “age out” of their families’ plans so quickly, but for some moving to the health law’s marketplaces will offer new options.
Millions Previously Denied Insurance Coverage Because Of Health Problems Look To Online Marketplaces
Many are relieved they can no longer be rejected by insurers but anxious about whether they will be able to afford the new policies.
Start Your Exchange Shopping Early, But Don’t Rush To Buy
Health insurance is a complicated product. Understanding how the plans work and picking one that suits someone’s needs will take time.
In Kentucky, Confusion And Misinformation Abound On Eve Of Obamacare Rollout
The only state-run exchange in the South faces challenges from political opponents and an uninformed, skeptical public.
Q&A With Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear
Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, a Democrat, was an early supporter of building a state exchange where residents without group coverage could buy health insurance. He spoke with KHN correspondent Phil Galewitz last week.
Three Critical Measures Of Marketplaces’ Impact Could Take Several Years To Assess
Initial reports on enrollment, premium prices and breadth of benefits likely will not reflect long-term prospects.
Where You Live Determines How Much You Pay For Health Insurance
In several states, consumers in high-cost areas will pay at least 50 percent more for the same type of coverage as those in lower-cost areas.
A Very Quick Guide To Health Insurance Exchanges
For those who are uninsured, the key to satisfying Obamacare’s requirement to have health insurance could be the new online marketplaces, which are set to open Oct. 1. Here is a quick guide to what you need to know about them.
A Reader Asks: What Happens To My Coverage If I Move?
A move to a different area qualifies for a “special enrollment period” to buy a new policy.
Lessons From The Obamacare Data Dump
Among the insights: Competition lowers prices, options vary widely by location, and insurers think consumers prefer low premiums to low copays and deductibles.
South Florida Insurance Rates Will Be Among Lowest In State, Report Says
Miami-Dade and Broward County residents who buy health insurance through federally run online marketplaces opening Tuesday will be paying some of the cheapest rates available in Florida, according to federal data released Wednesday.
Worried About Costs And Unaware of Help, Californians Head Into New Era of Health Coverage
Survey of 2,000 Californians also finds that many undocumented immigrants mistakenly believe they will be covered.
Consumer Groups Criticize Anthem’s Narrow Network In Missouri’s Obamacare Marketplace
The insurer touts affordable plans, but the exclusion of some premier hospitals could reduce treatment options for some patients.
Average Obamacare Premiums Will Be Lower Than Projected
Report shows wide variation across the country, with some states that opposed implementation of the health law boasting lower-than-average rates.
Some Say Obamacare’s ‘Affordable’ Coverage Isn’t Affordable For Them
Moderate-income consumers may get subsidies but will also be required to pay up to 9.5 percent of their income toward monthly premiums, which some say will put coverage out of reach.
Readers Ask: What Options Do Parents Have To Get Coverage For Their Kids?
Consumer columnist answers questions about getting insurance for children under the health law.
Swapping COBRA For Obamacare Likely To Be Windfall For Big Business
Experts expect people who are between jobs to gradually transfer to exchanges, a trend projected to save large employers billions in medical claims for ex-employees.
What Consumers Really Want From An Obamacare Plan
When consultants ran simulations of the exchanges that open for enrollment Oct. 1, they found that price was a major consideration. But so were hospital networks — more so than retaining doctors.
A Reader Asks: How Can We Be Sure To Get A Policy That Covers Maternity Care?
Currently many plans sold on the individual market do not provide maternity coverage. But that will change under the health law.