Latest KFF Health News Stories
La mayoría de los adolescentes saltean chequeos médicos de rutina
A pesar de las protecciones que ofrece la ley de salud, adolescentes pierden la posibilidad de tener diagnósticos físicos y de salud mental clave.
Podcast: ‘What The Health?’ Tax Bill Or Health Bill?
Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Sarah Kliff of, Joanne Kenen of Politico and Alice Ollstein of Talking Points Memo discuss the inclusion of health policies into the current tax cut debate, including a possible repeal of the fines for people who fail to maintain health insurance.
Despite ACA Cost Protections, Most Adolescents Skip Regular Checkups
Only 48 percent of kids ages 10 to 17 have well-child visits, even though the federal health law requires insurers to pick up the entire tab, a study finds.
About A Third Of Americans Unaware Of Obamacare Open Enrollment
Nonetheless, federal officials report sign-ups are robust so far this year.
For Millions of Insured Americans, State Health Laws Don’t Apply
Many states have adopted strong consumer regulations, but they don’t protect the millions of Americans with a specific type of job-based coverage.
California Fines Anthem $5 Million For Failing to Address Consumer Grievances
The Department of Managed Health Care cited one example in which consumers and advocates had to call the insurer 22 times to contest a decision. Still, the complaint still was not resolved until the department became involved.
Some States Roll Back ‘Retroactive Medicaid,’ A Buffer For The Poor — And For Hospitals
The retroactive payments provide protection for poor patients who can be enrolled in Medicaid after becoming seriously ill. That enrollment process takes time, and the look-back provision helps guarantee coverage they would have been entitled to if they had enrolled earlier.
Brokers Are Reluctant Players In A Most Challenging ACA Open-Enrollment Season
With federal support slashed for organizations that provided consumers help in making their health plan choices, insurance brokers have to pick up the slack.
Obamacare: comprar seguro es más complicado que nunca. Aquí, algunas tretas
Es esencial que conozca sus opciones en base a los ingresos y al tamaño de su familia. Aquí, algunas respuestas clave para entender el mercado de seguros.
Obamacare Shopping Is Trickier Than Ever. Here’s A Cheat Sheet.
This year, more than ever, it is important to know your options.
Maine Voters Greenlight Medicaid Expansion, But Governor Says Whoa
A battle brews as Republican Gov. Paul LePage says he won’t implement the Medicaid expansion unless the Legislature funds Maine’s share. Other states, such as Idaho and Utah, are keenly watching.
Aseguradoras apelan a la ternura con cachorros para vender planes del Obamacare
En un período abierto de inscripción lleno de desafíos, las compañías usan fuertes historia de vida y perritos, para vender planes de salud.
Enriched By The Poor: California Health Insurers Make Billions Through Medicaid
Medicaid is rarely associated with getting rich. But some insurance companies are reaping spectacular profits off the taxpayer-funded program in California, even when the state finds their patient care is subpar.
Insurer Tries A Soft Touch — Puppies! — For This Year’s Hard Sell Of Obamacare Plans
Open enrollment for health insurance on the Affordable Care Act exchanges started last week. Across the country, municipalities, insurers and grass-roots groups are working hard to help folks navigate the hoops.
Health Companies Race To Catch UnitedHealth As Amazon Laces Up
UnitedHealth, a health industry goliath, has its hand in doctors’ offices, surgery centers, technology services and prescription drugs. It is the industry model, and CVS and Aetna, says one expert, are ‘wannabes.’
Big Premium Hike? Blame It On The Kids
Premiums are rising for many reasons next year, and one is that insurers are charging a lot more for teenagers.
Podcast: ‘What The Health?’ How Confused Are We?
In this episode of “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Stephanie Armour of The Wall Street Journal, Joanne Kenen of Politico and Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post discuss the start of open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act, legislative efforts on Capitol Hill on taxes and children’s health insurance, and recommendations of the president’s opioid commission.
Funding For ACA Sign-Up Campaigns Varies Widely From State To State
States aren’t getting nearly as much federal money this year to explain and campaign for Affordable Care Act policies. Some are trying to make up the shortfall; others lack the cash or political will.
Rising Health Insurance Costs Frighten Some Early Retirees
Higher premiums loom for Americans in their late 50s and early 60s who are still too young for Medicare and don’t qualify for subsidies under Obamacare.
Obamacare: 5 nuevas cosas que debes saber
El período abierto de inscripción para las personas que compran su propio seguro de salud ya está en marcha, y termina el 15 de diciembre de 2017. Estos son cinco factores para tener en cuenta.