Latest KFF Health News Stories
Trump Administration Whacks Millions From Budget Used To Push Obamacare
The federal government plans to spend millions of dollars less this year on advertising and outreach efforts to support the health law’s open enrollment period, which starts Nov. 1.
Drástica reducción de fondos para promover el Obamacare
Menos dinero para los navegadores y nuevas fechas para el período de inscripción abierta son dos de las medidas de la administración Trump para bloquear al Obamacare.
5 ideas controversiales para arreglar el mercado de seguros individual
Desde modificar la edad de ingreso al Medicare, hasta tener un Medicaid “a la carta”, estas ideas están sonando y generando polémica en los pasillos del Congreso.
5 Outside-The-Box Ideas For Fixing The Individual Insurance Market
As lawmakers look for ways to stabilize the health law marketplaces, a number of ideas — such as expanding who can “buy in” to Medicare and Medicaid or pushing young adults off their parents’ plans into the marketplaces — might come into play.
En la Clínica Mayo enseñan a controlar el dolor sin opioides
Un programa que ya ha cumplido 40 años ayuda a personas con dolor crónico a mejorar sus vidas sin tomar medicamentos que pueden ser adictivos.
Mayo Pain Expert: Holistic Approach Helps Patients Ditch Opioids
Painkillers were never designed to be used over the long term, says the head of the Mayo Clinic’s pain rehabilitation center. Instead, patients should try other approaches, including relaxation therapies. But getting insurers to cover them might take coaxing.
What Happens If You’re Forced To Switch Health Plans When You’re Sick?
State lawmakers in California have an answer: legislation that would require your new insurer to keep paying for your current doctors even if they’re not in the network.
¿Qué pasa si debes cambiar de plan de salud… estando enfermo?
El retiro de algunas aseguradoras del mercado ha obligado a miles de consumidores a cambiar de plan. Algo que se complica en el caso de pacientes con condiciones crónicas o graves.
Podcast: ‘What The Health?’ Back To Health Crunch Come September
In this episode of “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Paige Winfield Cunningham of The Washington Post and Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times discuss the continuing efforts in Congress to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act, upcoming open enrollment for individual insurance and Congress’ long health care to-do list for September.
Oregon, Texas Are Latest States To Put Down Markers On Abortion Coverage
The governors of both states signed abortion legislation last week. Texas will restrict insurance coverage while Oregon will require that it be covered.
Too Few Patients Follow The Adage: You Better Shop Around
Three-quarters of participants in a newly released study said they did not know of resources for comparing health care costs, while half said that if a website were available to provide such information, they would use it.
Las voces olvidadas en el debate de salud: 8 mujeres cuentan sus historias
Los proyectos de salud que se han estado discutiendo dejan de lado muchos de los servicios esenciales para las mujeres, como el cuidado materno y los métodos anticonceptivos.
Often Missing In The Health Care Debate: Women’s Voices
When leaders in Washington discuss the future of American health care, women are not always in the room. Here, nine women share their personal stories, fears and hopes.
CBO: Killing Cost-Sharing Subsidies Would Hike Silver Plan Premiums And Deficit
The change would not be expected to have much long-term effect on the number of uninsured people. But it could cause a shift in which plans are popular with marketplace customers.
Insurers Can Bend Out-Of-Network Rules For Patients Who Need Specific Doctors
Individuals who require very specialized care for their health are advised to make their case when a plan doesn’t cover their doctor.
Readers Have Their Say … On Pain And Who Stands To Gain In Drug Market
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to respond, react and comment on our stories.
Taking A U-Turn On Benefits, Big Employers Vow To Continue Offering Health Insurance
Three years ago, only about a quarter of the nation’s large employers were very confident they would have a health plan in 10 years. That number has now risen to 65 percent.
Why One Insurer’s Collapse Could Whack Insurers, Policyholders Across the Country
Little-known rules require all health insurance companies to help pay claims when any one of them fails. Penn Treaty failed big — and insurers around the country are likely to pass those costs onto policyholders.
Florida Law Will Let Patients Get All Their Drug Renewals At The Same Time
The new law will help people with chronic conditions that require multiple prescriptions cut down on their shuttles to the drug store and could improve adherence to their drugs.
Anthem’s Retreat Leaves Californians With Fewer Choices, More Worries
The nation’s second-largest insurer is shrinking its presence on Obamacare exchanges and in the broader individual market in response to prevailing uncertainty. California is just the latest — and the biggest — example.