Latest KFF Health News Stories
Chasing Millions In Medicaid Dollars, Hospitals Buy Up Nursing Homes
The strategy has been used mostly in Indiana, where many county-owned hospitals purchased or leased nursing homes to take advantage of a wrinkle in Medicaid payment rules and augment federal reimbursements.
On Back Roads Of Appalachia’s Coal Country, Mental Health Services Are As Rare As Jobs
Long commutes and scarcity of providers make it hard for patients who need counseling or psychiatric care.
La tormenta pasó, pero la salud de Puerto Rico enfrenta una larga recuperación
La isla enfrenta el riesgo de brotes de enfermedades, y desafíos en la atención médica luego del devastador paso del huracán María.
The Storm Has Passed, But Puerto Rico’s Health Faces Prolonged Recovery
From infections linked to the storm to trying to treat people with chronic diseases in damaged clinics, health officials on this American territory struggle to stay ahead of the needs.
Patients, Health Insurers Challenge Iowa’s Privatized Medicaid
Complaints are rising against for-profit insurance companies that manage Medicaid for about 600,000 Iowans. The privatization of Medicaid is a national trend affecting more than half of the 74 million Americans who get their health care through the state-federal program.
10 Ways Medicaid Affects Us All
Medicaid was created in 1965 as a program for the poor. Today, it helps 74 million people — more than 1 of every 5 people in the U.S. You or someone you know likely benefits.
5 Takeaways From Congress’ Failure To Extend Funding For Children’s Coverage
Federal funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program expired Sept. 30. Many states still have money in their budgets, but they’ll be worried until Congress renews the program.
Más pacientes del Medicaid y presos podrán tratarse con una droga contra la hepatitis C
El tratamiento con una droga aprobada por la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos cuesta menos y cura la hepatitis C en alrededor de dos meses. Pacientes vulnerables tendrían más acceso a esta terapia.
Hepatitis C Drug’s Lower Cost Paves Way For Medicaid, Prisons To Expand Treatment
The drug, sold under the name Mavyret, can cure all six genetic types of the liver disease in eight weeks at a cost of $26,400, well below other options.
Why Glaring Quality Gaps Among Nursing Homes Are Likely To Grow If Medicaid Is Cut
Medicaid covers about two-thirds of nursing home residents, but it pays less than other types of insurance.
Congress’ Cold Shoulder Sends Shivers Through Community Health Centers
The clinics, which serve many poor people, are tightening spending in case Congress doesn’t approve new funding for them before the government’s 2018 fiscal year starts Sunday.
Sen. Collins Announces Opposition To GOP Bill To Replace Obamacare
The statement from the Maine senator came after the Congressional Budget Office said the bill would cause millions of people to become uninsured.
¿Medicaid cubre todo eso? Cómo es el programa de salud más grande del país
El programa federal de salud gerenciado por los estados cubre al 39% de los niños y paga por casi la mitad de los nacimientos. Pero su aporte va mucho más allá: también ayuda a personas con discapacidades, a programas especiales en escuelas y a pacientes con VIH, entre otros.
Medicaid Covers All That? It’s The Backstop Of America’s Ailing Health System
Those relying on the federal government’s safety net are grandmothers, the kid next door, your supermarket cashier — maybe even you.
GOP Health Bill’s Changes Go Far Beyond Preexisting Conditions
The measure proposed by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.) would disrupt the existing health system more than any of the measures considered so far this year, according to supporters and critics.
Last-Ditch Effort By Republicans To Replace ACA: What You Need To Know
Republicans are making a concerted push to unite around a bill sponsored by Sens. Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy that would gut major provisions of the federal health law.
Cinco puntos clave del nuevo esfuerzo republicano para derogar ACA
El proyecto de Graham-Cassidy pone de nuevo en la carrera legislativa la meta republicana de eliminar el Obamacare. Los puntos clave que hay que conocer.
Uninsured Rate Falls To Record Low Of 8.8%
Census Bureau reports that 28.1 million people in the country were without insurance in 2016, down from 29 million the year before.
Quiz: How Well Are You Paying Attention?
To strengthen your core knowledge of health care policy, it helps to be a regular reader of Kaiser Health News. Here’s a pop quiz to gauge what you have learned.
For Low-Income Drug Users, Medi-Cal Offers A Fresh Start
Under a five-year agreement with the federal government, California is using Medicaid dollars to expand drug treatment, including more inpatient care and a broader range of medications.