Latest KFF Health News Stories
Clock Starts Ticking Saturday For Medicare Enrollment
Medicare’s open enrollment season begins
Chasing The Stars, Insurers Improve Quality — And Revenue
Only a handful of Medicare Advantage plans win five stars for quality. But the bonuses attached to the federal rating system are reshaping the competitive landscape for insurers.
Super Committee Health Goals Need Sound Policy
If the super committee is to reach its goal of finding an estimated $1.2 trillion in savings over the next decade, this panel will have to think big and produce recommendations with real substance — especially in regard to the health care component.
Health policy analysts are at risk of neglecting the issue that will more profoundly influence health policy than all of those now absorbing their attention: whether tax increases form a major part of any program to curb future federal budget deficits.
Different Takes: Advice For The Super Committee
KHN asked Henry J. Aaron of The Brookings Institution, Nina Owcharenko from The Heritage Foundation and Third Way’s David Kendall what they view as the most substantive issue or challenge facing the super committee and what advice they might offer to tackle it. Read their perspectives.
Health Care: Super Power For The Super Committee
Health care costs are typically kryptonite in budget talks, but this time they are also the common enemy to both Democrats and Republicans. But both will have to give in order to reach a successful deal.
Medicare Plans See Dollars In The Stars
Star ratings are bleeding into bottom lines, board rooms and corporate strategy as Medicare Advantage plans chase top scores.
Changes Take Seniors By Surprise
Nearly two-thirds of seniors don’t know that the Medicare enrollment period is early this year, a survey shows, and that could cost them.
Insurance Commissioners Tell Congress Not To Change Medigap Policies
State officials sending a letter that opposes changes aimed at reducing the deficit by requiring Medicare beneficiaries to pay a higher share of the cost of their supplemental insurance.
President Obama Proposes Cuts To Health Care Spending To Lower Deficit
President Barack Obama on Monday proposed a series of cost savings in health care programs including to Medicare and Medicaid to reduce the deficit. The proposals include paying doctors for health care outcomes instead of on a “fee-for-service” basis, and Obama also rejected the notion turning Medicare into a “voucher” system.
The Specifics: How Obama Plans To Cut Health Programs By $320 Billion
Kaiser Health News staff writer Phil Galewitz reports that the biggest cut to Medicare requires pharmaceutical companies to lower the rates for low-income beneficiaries.
Some States Seeking Health Care Compact
The interstate compact, which has been adopted by four states, would replace federal programs – including Medicare and Medicaid – with block grants. It cannot be implemented without congressional approval.
Medicare Advantage Premiums To Fall 4% Next Year
Administration says dire predictions of damage from the health law have not materialized.
‘Poster Boys’ Take A Pass On Pioneer ACO Program
Leading hospital systems didn’t apply for Medicare reform tailor-made by the Obama administration to reward such organizations.
Rate Of Uninsured Stays Flat In 2010, Census Reports
Young adults, Hispanics fare better but Asians worse.
Transcript: GOP Candidates Squabble Over Health Care During Tampa Debate
Monday night’s CNN/Tea Party Express debate among the Republican presidential candidates included discussion of Medicare, the health law, costs, the individual mandate and vaccines.
VA Experience Shows Patient ‘Rebound’ Hard To Counter
The Veterans Health Administration has long used approaches Medicare is pushing on all hospitals to cut unnecessary readmissions. But new data show VA hospital patients are just as likely to end up back in a hospital bed.
Healthcare 101: Connecting Immigrant Communities To Care
For the first time the Department of Health and Human Services is trying to help eligible legal immigrants sign up for programs like Medicaid. Here’s one program.
Reaching Out To Legal Immigrants Who Need Health Care
For the first time the Department of Health and Human Services is trying to help eligible legal immigrants sign up for programs like Medicaid, sometimes by going to health fairs in immigrant neighborhoods.
Health On The Hill: Congress Returning, Seeking Consensus On ‘Super Committee’
With the summer recess ending, Jackie Judd talks to KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey about the staffing and makeup of the deficit panel and what to expect in the coming months. The “super committee” may take a closer look reining Medicare costs in through reforming Medigap plans and provider payments to cut the deficit.