Latest KFF Health News Stories
When Care Is Split Between Medicare And Medicaid: KHN Interview With Melanie Bella
Melanie Bella heads the new federal office that seeks to help people whose coverage is often fragmented because they qualify for both programs and to save the government money by streamlining that coverage.
Health Law Forces Changes To Reduce Hospitals Readmissions
20 percent of Medicare patients are back in the hospital within 30 days, a trend that endangers patients and raises health costs.
Hardliners On Health Law: End It, Don’t Mend It
The conservative group FreedomWorks recommends a system of vouchers to replace Medicare, Medicaid and provisions of the new health law.
Health On The Hill Transcript: President Obama’s Health Budget Scrutinized
Jackie Judd of the Kaiser Family Foundation is joined by Mary Agnes Carey of Kaiser Health News and David Nather of Politico to talk about the president’s 2012 proposed budget and a House bill that would repeal a provision of the health care overhaul that small businesses find particularly onerous.
An Irresponsible Roll Of The Dice
The president chose to submit a profoundly unserious budget. There’s no entitlement reform to close the long-term fiscal gap. There’s no tax reform. There are some minor cuts to marginal programs for show. But, overall, it’s very much a business-as-usual budget, with a few new and expensive long-term commitments thrown in for good measure. It’s like the president and his team woke up after the mid-term election with a bad case of political amnesia.
Obama’s Medicare ‘Doc Fix’ Under Fire
In his 2012 budget, the president proposed a two-year, $54 billion solution to stop the scheduled cuts to doctors who treat Medicare patients. The plan draws on savings from a variety of sources, including states, drug makers
FAQ: The Shrinking Medicare Doughnut Hole
Beginning this year, seniors who hit the coverage gap will get substantial discounts on both brand-name and generic drugs.
Some Seniors Are In For Sticker Shock On Drug Premiums
Starting this year, affluent Medicare beneficiaries will begin paying more than the standard premium for their Part D coverage.
Health Programs On The Chopping Block As States Gird For Drop In Federal Aid
Hundreds of thousands of Americans are at risk of losing access to health services as states prepare to make yet another round of budget cuts.
Health On The Hill: Democrats On Defense As Republicans Plan Attack On Health Law
House Republicans are holding committee hearings this week on the health law’s provisions governing Medicare, abortion and small business.
Health Industry And Lawmakers Move Against Medicare Spending Board
The Independent Payment Advisory Board, a key cost-containment provision of the health law scheduled to be created this year, faces an uncertain future.
Public Doesn’t Support Cuts To Health Care Programs
Poll finds high support for Medicare and Medicaid, complicating political strategies for election of 2012.
What Will President Obama Say About Medicare?
A big topic on the minds of many in the public policy community is what the future holds for the nation’s out-of-control entitlement spending in general and Medicare in specific.
Effort To Reward Medicare Advantage Plans Draws Criticism
MedPac assails Medicare plan to extend quality bonus payments – meant for top-performing health insurers – to those with lower scores.
The Avastin Decision: A Rational Decision Or Rationing?
Sometimes the noisiest voices in the health overhaul debate don’t make a good faith effort to acknowledge important scientific or policy-oriented nuances in their arguments. It’s happening again in the wake of a controversial regulatory ruling about a cancer drug.
Health Care Battles To Surge Anew In 2011: Marilyn Werber Serafini
KHN reporters preview some of the big issues coming this year: Marilyn Werber Serafini, the Robin Toner Fellow at KHN, says efforts to cut federal spending likely will be hampered by campaign promises on Medicare funding.
Nine Ways The New Health Law May Affect You in 2011
In 2011 many new provisions of the health law kick in, providing benefits for many and potential new costs for some others.
Seniors May Not Rush In For Medicare Wellness Exams
The new health law adds coverage for an annual checkup, but in the past beneficiaries have not shown great interest in the “wellness exams” offered when they first qualify for Medicare.
Long-Term Care: Another Tough Subject For The Next Round Of Reform
Democrats and Republicans may spend the next two years fighting about what to jettison or retain in the new health law. If these battles are resolved, we’ll be back to address another looming challenge: long-term care. It’s best that this happen sooner rather than later.
Innovative Day-Care Program Seeks To Keep Frail, Low-Income Seniors In Their Homes
PACE offers comprehensive medical and social services and supporters say it can reduce hospital and nursing home stays and save money for Medicare and Medicaid.