Latest KFF Health News Stories
Arizona Declares Opioid Emergency, But Signals Are Mixed Over Best Response
Arizona is one of a few states that have declared the opioid epidemic a public health emergency. There’s no uniformity in what that means from state to state, though, and even within Arizona, there’s a wide divergence of opinion on how best to tackle the problem.
Los buenos amigos podrían ayudar a mantener un cerebro sano al envejecer
Nuevos estudios revelan que las relaciones positivas pueden ayudar a que no se deterioren las funciones cognitivas.
Telemedicine For Addiction Treatment? Picture Remains Fuzzy
One Indiana addiction specialist doesn’t shy away from telemedicine, but he still requires in-person visits to begin and maintain his patients’ Suboxone prescriptions.
Good Friends Might Be Your Best Brain Booster As You Age
SuperAgers, men and women over age 80 with extraordinary memories, share a commitment to sustaining friendships.
These Annual Checkups Help Seniors Not Only Survive But Thrive
Seniors are living longer and defying predictions of cognitive and functional decline. Wellness coaches guide them in setting goals for the year — whether physical, social, intellectual or spiritual.
If Your Insurer Covers Few Therapists, Is That Really Mental Health Parity?
Behavioral care was four times more likely to be out-of-network than medical or surgical care, an analysis by Milliman shows.
Receta para un dolor de rodilla: 90 píldoras de Percocet
Porque el sistema computarizado así lo indica, o por comodidad del médico, pacientes reciben pastillas extra de poderosos opioides.
Doctor’s Rx For A Stiff Knee: A Prescription For 90 Percocet Pills
Following minor surgery, KHN’s consumer columnist sees how easily doctors offer pain pills, fueling epidemic of opioid addiction.
Acoso sexual: por qué ahora las mujeres se animan a hablar
Motivadas por las revelaciones sobre el titán de Hollywood Harvey Weinstein, crece la lista de mujeres que se animan a denunciar el abuso.
The Power Of #MeToo: Why Hashtag Sparks ‘Groundswell’ Of Sharing — And Healing
A complex set of psychological and social factors are now propelling women to break their silence about sexual harassment.
Taking A Page From Pharma’s Playbook To Fight The Opioid Crisis
Doctors and pharmacists in Northern California are emulating drug company sales reps with a fresh purpose in mind: They visit medical offices in the hardest-hit counties to change their peers’ prescribing habits and curtail the use of painkillers.
Una tendencia que crece, adultos mayores que viven en comunidad
La llamada covivienda está comenzando a ser popular entre los adultos mayores, como una alternativa al aislamiento social. Son hogares que se construyen alrededor de áreas para uso colectivo.
For Active Seniors, Cohousing Offers A Cozier Alternative To Downsizing
Far from a commune or coop, these planned villages are no less about cooperation and community.
Más allá del estigma, estudio revela el estrés profundo de las personas transgénero
La comunidad transgénero sigue siendo relegada en el acceso a los servicios de atención médica y salud mental.
Beyond Stigma And Bias, Many Transgender People Struggle With Mental Health
New data show transgender people are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and to attempt suicide. Public hostility toward them, including efforts to ban them from public bathrooms and military service, is making things worse, researchers say.
El doloroso costado positivo del marketing médico
Una paciente con cáncer de seno terminal asegura que los comerciales solo promueven curas milagrosas y pacientes felices. La realidad es distinta, asegura.
The Painful Side Of Positive Health Care Marketing
Advertising for hospitals, unlike pharmaceutical companies, doesn’t have to be backed up by data or facts. Cheerful messages of hope can feel like a slap in the face to a dying patient.
Despite GOP Efforts To Corral Medicaid Spending, States Expand Benefits
States are adding a variety of services, including expansions of mental health and substance abuse treatments and dental care, according to a 50-state survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Hospitals Step In To Help House The Homeless. Will It Make A Difference?
They say it will help reduce unnecessary ER visits and ensure better follow-up care. It’s also good P.R., and helps them meet their obligations to provide benefits to the community in exchange for significant tax breaks.
On Back Roads Of Appalachia’s Coal Country, Mental Health Services Are As Rare As Jobs
Long commutes and scarcity of providers make it hard for patients who need counseling or psychiatric care.