Latest KFF Health News Stories
¿Las redes sociales dañan la mente de nuestros jóvenes? Tal vez no…
Nuevos estudios muestran que las redes sociales no impactan de manera negativa, sino por el contrario, muchas veces ayudan a encontrar apoyo y a elevar la autoestima.
Social Media Is Harming The Minds Of Our Youth, Right? Maybe Not.
The harmful effects of all those hours on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are well-documented. But lesser-known research shows that social media use may also provide mental health benefits.
Years After Silently Combating Sexual Trauma, Female Veterans Seek Help
Many women who served in the military decades ago were victims of sexual assaults but often felt compelled to keep quiet.
UCLA Offers Depression Screening To Thousands Of Incoming Students
Hoping to head off mental health crises, university officials say they will provide free online treatment to those who need it. The officials believe theirs is the largest effort of its kind in the country.
Hay escasez de especialistas en salud mental en las redes de proveedores médicos
El porcentaje de psicólogos y psiquiatras en las redes de los planes médicos es mínimo comparado con otras especialidades. Expertos dicen que atenta contra la buena atención de las condiciones mentales.
Narrow Networks Get Even Tighter When Shopping For Mental Health Specialists
The average provider network includes only 11 percent of all the mental health care providers in a given market, according to a study this month in the journal Health Affairs.
El ultimátum de Trump a los “soñadores” impacta en la industria de la salud
Médicos y académicos consideran que el potencial final del programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) impactaría negativamente en el campo de la salud.
Trump’s Deadline On ‘Dreamers’ Reverberates Through Health Industries
From medical students to home health aides, the loss of DACA could deal a blow to the health care workforce, industry leaders suggest.
Cuando la demencia acecha a toda la familia
El seguimiento médico de miembros de una familia que portan una mutación genética ha ayudado a entender un poco más sobre una devastadora forma de demencia.
Quiz: How Well Are You Paying Attention?
To strengthen your core knowledge of health care policy, it helps to be a regular reader of Kaiser Health News. Here’s a pop quiz to gauge what you have learned.
A Rare Dementia Gene Runs In The Family, But He’s Fine — So Far
A Washington state man inherited the mutated gene that stole his mother’s mind. He doesn’t have the disease, and doctors don’t know why.
For Low-Income Drug Users, Medi-Cal Offers A Fresh Start
Under a five-year agreement with the federal government, California is using Medicaid dollars to expand drug treatment, including more inpatient care and a broader range of medications.
Hurricane’s Health Toll: A Texas Doctor Taps Lessons From Katrina
After weathering the catastrophe in New Orleans 12 years ago, Dr. Ruth Berggren moved to Texas, where she again finds herself in the center of a hurricane crisis. In a Q&A, she draws parallels between the harrowing events and pinpoints risks in Harvey’s aftermath.
Soul Purpose: Seniors With Strong Reasons To Live Often Live Stronger
New research bolsters evidence that older adults with a sense of purpose are less likely to see their health decline with age. The question is: How does one cultivate more meaning and motivation in life?
Elder Abuse: ERs Learn How To Protect A Vulnerable Population
An emergency department at New York-Presbyterian Hospital trains staff to recognize signs of elder abuse and help victims.
Después de Charlottesville: por qué las personas se unen a grupos de odio
Hay 917 grupos de odio conocidos en los Estados Unidos, un número que ha ido aumentando en los últimos dos años, según datos del Southern Poverty Law Center.
Charlottesville Postmortem: Why People Join Hate Groups
Unhappy childhood experiences can drive people to join white supremacist groups, studies have found.
Dying At Home In An Opioid Crisis: Hospices Grapple With Stolen Meds
As more patients receive hospice care at home, some of the powerful, addictive drugs they’re prescribed are ending up in the wrong hands.
Opioid Crisis Strains Foster Care System; Programs Aim To Keep Kids With Mom
One Kentucky program is eyed by other jurisdictions as a way to get addicted parents into recovery and help them care for their children at home.
Gun Sellers Join Forces To Curb Suicide-By-Firearm, Rampant In Rural Areas
New research suggests that efforts to address climbing rates of rural suicide must focus on safe access to firearms. State-based coalitions are attempting just that.