Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Five Important Questions About Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine
The drugmaker says its mRNA vaccine worked in 90% of patients in its trial, but some observers question how long immunity will last and who will benefit.
Búsqueda de un suero antiofídico también podría conducir a un tratamiento para COVID
El varespladib, un medicamento contra la mordedura de serpientes, tiene un efecto positivo en el síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda asociado con COVID-19.
Search for a Snakebite Drug Might Lead to a COVID Treatment, Too
Human clinical trials are scheduled for a drug that could prevent some of the 100,000-plus deaths from snakebites worldwide each year. The same drug may also help people suffering from COVID-related acute respiratory distress.
VA Joins Pentagon in Recruiting Volunteers for COVID Vaccine Trials
The Department of Veterans Affairs hopes to enroll 8,000 people in advanced-stage trials of four leading vaccine candidates. The Defense Department earlier announced plans to enlist 3,000 volunteers in trials.
La batalla por el aborto también puede amenazar al control de la natalidad
Una nueva jurisprudencia sobre el aborto podría afectar muchas más cosas, como borrar el derecho al control de la natalidad y el matrimonio entre personas de un mismo sexo.
A $200 Debit Card Won’t Do Much for Seniors’ Drug Costs
President Donald Trump wants to send seniors $200 apiece. Beyond the legal and logistical problems, health care experts point out it does little to help someone with even typical prescription costs.
Científicos advierten que se espera demasiado de una vacuna para COVID
La Casa Blanca y muchos estadounidenses han depositado sus esperanzas de derrotar a la pandemia en una vacuna. Pero científicos advierten que se espera demasiado, y demasiado pronto.
Readers and Tweeters Shed Light on Vaccine Trials and Bias in Health Care
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Scientists Warn Americans Are Expecting Too Much From a Vaccine
Some argue that vaccines capable of preventing any COVID-19 symptoms should qualify for widespread use, but others want much larger trials to prove the vaccines can reduce hospitalizations or deaths.
Florida Fails to Attract Bidders for Canada Drug Importation Program
No private firms bid on the $30 million contract to set up and operate the state’s plan to bring in cheaper drugs. The setback is likely to delay by at least several months Florida’s effort to become the first state to import drugs under new federal regulations.
Progressive Group Highlights Trump, Tillis Weakness on Insulin Price Tags
The progressive Change Now PAC launched a campaign ad, which also circulated on Facebook, criticizing President Donald Trump and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) for not “fighting” for people with diabetes who struggle with the high cost of insulin.
COVID-19: las farmacéuticas elogiadas por Trump mandan dinero a Biden
Revirtiendo una tendencia en las contribuciones de las farmacéuticas, que enviaban mucho dinero a los republicanos, en lo que va de 2020 la industria se ha inclinado hacia los demócratas.
As Trump Touts His ‘Great’ COVID Drugs, the Pharma Cash Flows to Biden, Not Him
President Donald Trump has been heralding drugmakers as “great companies.” Yet in the final stretch of the presidential campaign, Trump is not feeling the love in pharma contributions. Former Vice President Joe Biden is, even though his proposed policies could dent the industry’s profitability.
5 cosas que debes saber sobre la vacuna para COVID. Primero: no será una “bala mágica”
Hay docenas de vacunas candidatas que se están probando, y 11 de ellas están en la etapa final de investigación, cuatro en los Estados Unidos.
5 Things to Know About a COVID Vaccine: It Won’t Be a ‘Magic Wand’
Approval of a vaccine will be an important step in defeating COVID-19. But it won’t immediately end the pandemic.
Old Drug Turned ‘Cash Cow’ as Company Pumped Price to $40K a Vial, Emails Show
The CEO of Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals defended the price hikes of Acthar gel, an orphan drug that treats infantile spasms at a House Oversight Committee hearing on Thursday.
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Election Preview: What’s Next for Health?
How will health issues affect voter choices? What will happen if President Donald Trump is reelected or the White House goes to Joe Biden? In this special election preview episode, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times, Joanne Kenen of Politico and Rebecca Adams of CQ Roll Call join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more.
New Laws Keep Pandemic-Weary California at Forefront of Health Policy Innovation
Gov. Gavin Newsom approved many consequential health care bills by his bill-signing deadline Wednesday, including a ban on the sale of menthol and other flavored tobacco products, the creation of a state generic drug label and better coverage for mental health disorders.
Sky-High Drug Prices Driven by Pharma Profits, House Dems Charge
Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released a damning investigation Wednesday of drug company pricing tactics and profits, as two days of hearings with testimony from pharmaceutical industry CEOs begin.
Promises Kept? On Health Care, Trump’s Claims of ‘Monumental Steps’ Don’t Add Up
The president entered office seeking to overturn the Affordable Care Act, revamp Medicaid and drive down prescription drug prices, among other things. He’s hit some stone walls.