Tras un año mortal en las carreteras, los estados dicen sí a la seguridad y no a la velocidad
Legisladores de California y otros estados se replantean cómo establecer y hacer cumplir los límites de velocidad, y proponen darle más poder a las jurisdicciones locales para frenar a los conductores en sus comunidades.
After a Deadly Year on the Roads, States Push for Safety Over Speed
Lawmakers in California and other states are rethinking how they set and enforce speed limits, and they’re proposing to hand more power to local authorities to slow drivers in their communities.
Expertos en salud pública temen que los fondos desaparezcan cuando termine la pandemia
El Congreso ha enviado miles de millones a los departamentos de salud para luchar contra covid. Pero históricamente, esta financiación se acaba cuando termina la emergencia sanitaria.
Public Health Experts Worry About Boom-Bust Cycle of Support
Congress has poured tens of billions of dollars into public health since last year. While health officials who have juggled bare-bones budgets for years are grateful for the money, they worry it will soon dry up, just as it has after previous crises such as 9/11, SARS and Ebola. Meanwhile, they continue to cope with an exodus from the field amid political pressure and exhaustion that meant 1 in 6 Americans lost their local health department leader.
Snag a Vaccine Appointment, Then Face the Next Hurdle: How to Get There?
For some, a vaccine appointment a few hours away is no biggie. For others, it’s a major barrier to gaining protection from the coronavirus.
The Shock and Reality of Catching Covid After Being Vaccinated
At least 5,800 people have fallen ill or tested positive for covid two weeks or more after being fully vaccinated, according to the CDC. “I now tell everyone, including my colleagues, not to let their guard down.”
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Pause and Effect on Covid Vaccines
Podcast panelists discuss a range of health policy developments, from the latest in the covid vaccination effort to the HHS budget, among other things.
Pandemia resalta la necesidad de clínicas de atención de urgencia para mujeres
Las clínicas de atención de urgencia especializadas en ginecología y obstetricia han comenzado a surgir en todo el país en los últimos años, y la pandemia de covid ha aumentado la demanda.
Si me recuperé de covid, ¿por qué tengo que seguir usando máscara?
Más de 120 millones de estadounidenses se han unido al club más selecto de la Tierra: los inmunizados contra el coronavirus. Cómo siguen las pautas de seguridad.
Misterioso remedio: vacunas ayudan a enfermos de covid de largo plazo
Es posible que las vacunas eliminen restos del virus o sus fragmentos, que interrumpan una respuesta autoinmune perjudicial o que, de alguna otra manera, “restablezcan” el sistema inmunitario.
Pandemic Highlights Need for Urgent Care Clinics for Women
For years, women with painful gynecological issues have faced long waits in ERs or longer waits to see their doctors. During the pandemic, women have increasingly turned to women’s clinics that handle urgent issues like miscarriage or serious urinary tract infections.
Mysterious Ailment, Mysterious Relief: Vaccines Help Some Covid Long Haulers
Scientists who study the post-illness syndrome are taking a close look at patients’ reports of this unexpected benefit of the vaccine.
Ask KHN-PolitiFact: I’ve Recovered From Covid. Why Do I Still Have to Mask Up?
The simple answer is that enough remains unknown about covid transmission, post-infection immunity and the threat of emerging variants that masks are still advisable.
Airports Step Up Mental Health Assistance as Passenger Anxiety Soars
As more people return to air travel, tension is mounting in airports nationwide. Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson is among those that have responded to the pandemic-related stress and fear among passengers and employees by offering services such as meditation, chaplains and other help in their terminals.
Cuatro respuestas sobre el freno a la vacuna contra covid de Johnson & Johnson
Expertos en salud se preguntan si el freno a la vacuna de J&J a causa de seis casos de mujeres que desarrollaron coágulos luego de recibirla puede impactar negativamente en los esfuerzos de inmunización.
4 Things to Know About the J&J Covid Vaccine Pause
The messaging surrounding vaccine safety and efficacy may mean as much as the science.
Analysis: I Was a Teenage Rifle Owner, Then an ER Doctor. Assault Weapons Shouldn’t Count as ‘Guns.’
The United States has undergone a cultural, definitional, practical shift on guns and what they are for.
A Year Into Pandemic, Federal Officials Move to Better Protect Front-Line Workers
Changes would allow N95 sales for industries other than health care and signal an end to the hospital practice of reusing the masks considered essential for worker safety.
Syphilis Cases in California Drive a Record-Setting Year for STDs Nationwide
New data released Tuesday from the CDC shows sexually transmitted infections reached an all-time high in 2019. The biggest spike was in syphilis cases, which rose 74% between 2015 and 2019. Leading the country in syphilis is California, where men who have sex with men make up half the cases.
Los casos de sífilis en California impulsan un año récord de ETS en todo el país
Entre 2015 y 2019 los casos aumentaron un 74%. Hubo casi 130,000 en todo el país en 2019, según datos publicados por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades.