La batalla por el aborto también puede amenazar al control de la natalidad
Una nueva jurisprudencia sobre el aborto podría afectar muchas más cosas, como borrar el derecho al control de la natalidad y el matrimonio entre personas de un mismo sexo.
Enfermeros itinerantes en alto riesgo frente a condiciones de atención de COVID-19
Desde que la pandemia de COVID-19 causó un terremoto en el sistema de salud, más enfermeros itinerantes viajan de estado en estado, arriesgando sus propias vidas.
¿Leones, tigres y visones? Analizan a distintas especies en busca de COVID
Mientras resurgen los casos de COVID-19 en los Estados Unidos, científicos y veterinarios investigan el virus en animales domésticos y salvajes. Ya han realizado miles de pruebas.
Lions and Tigers and Anteaters? US Scientists Scan the Menagerie for COVID
Thousands of animals in the U.S. have been tested for the coronavirus, as researchers work to understand its transmission and which other species might be at risk. So far, dozens have tested positive, mostly cats and dogs exposed to sick owners.
‘Is This Worth My Life?’: Traveling Health Workers Decry COVID Care Conditions
Frequently employed by staffing agencies based in other states, nurses and other healthcare professionals can find themselves working through crisis without advocates or adequate safety equipment.
Meet Josh. He’s a teenager in Fort Scott, Kansas, who dropped out of high school around the same time the town’s hospital closed. He says those two things are related.
Seniors Form COVID Pods to Ward Off Isolation This Winter
Older adults are deliberating what to do as days and nights turn chilly and coronavirus cases rise across the country. Some are forming “bubbles” with small groups of friends who agree on pandemic precautions and will see one another in person. Others are planning to go it alone.
The Best COVID Warning System? Poop and Pooled Spit, Says One Colorado School
About 6% of large universities with in-person classes are routinely testing all students. For many institutions, that strategy is out of reach. To get ahead of the virus, Colorado State University is experimenting with a combination of sewage monitoring and a lesser-known approach to pool testing.
How COVID Death Counts Become the Stuff of Conspiracy Theories
Experts say President Trump’s claim that COVID deaths are being overcounted is inaccurate. Most agree they are undercounted. Here’s what we know about COVID death numbers so far.
‘His Lies Are Killing My Neighbors’: Swing-State Doctors Target Trump
Furious over Republicans’ handling of the pandemic, Wisconsin health care workers are speaking out against the president — and running for office.
They Work in Several Nursing Homes to Eke Out a Living, Possibly Spreading the Virus
An analysis of location data from 30 million smartphones found that facilities across the country that share the most workers also had the most COVID-19 infections. The “Kevin Bacon of nursing homes” in each state — the one with the most staffers working at other nursing homes — was likely to have the worst outbreaks of coronavirus contagion.
If They Sweep on Election Day, Dems Still Face a Challenge Meeting Health Promises
Democrats are favored to win both chambers of Congress after years of campaign-trail promises about health care. But their margin in the Senate could be slim, making it difficult to pass major health care legislation. And they still must heal some rifts within the caucus about how far they can push overhaul efforts.
Why State Mask Stockpiling Orders Are Hurting Nursing Homes, Small Providers
More than eight months into the pandemic, stockpiling of masks and other protective equipment by wealthy hospital systems is straining nursing homes and smaller providers who also need precious protective gear to keep front-line workers safe from COVID-19.
Haiku Winner Unmasked! Read If You Dare
Entries for our second annual Halloween Haiku Contest were downright spooky. And, based on a review by our panel of judges, here’s the winner and a sampling of finalists.
Hospital Bills for Uninsured COVID Patients Are Covered, but No One Tells Them
The CARES Act provides funding that pays the bills for uninsured COVID-19 patients. But the death of a young man in Nashville shows some patients don’t know about the program until it’s too late.
Despite COVID Concerns, Teams Venture Into Nursing Homes to Get Out the Vote
In North Carolina, staffs at nursing homes and assisted living facilities are prohibited by law from helping residents vote. So community members fill the gap, venturing into some of the places hit hardest by the coronavirus.
Científicos advierten que se espera demasiado de una vacuna para COVID
La Casa Blanca y muchos estadounidenses han depositado sus esperanzas de derrotar a la pandemia en una vacuna. Pero científicos advierten que se espera demasiado, y demasiado pronto.
For Each Critically Ill COVID Patient, a Family Is Suffering, Too
Because loved ones are often kept apart from critically ill COVID-19 patients, the families may be especially vulnerable to symptoms including anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder that can be debilitating.
Readers and Tweeters Shed Light on Vaccine Trials and Bias in Health Care
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Scientists Warn Americans Are Expecting Too Much From a Vaccine
Some argue that vaccines capable of preventing any COVID-19 symptoms should qualify for widespread use, but others want much larger trials to prove the vaccines can reduce hospitalizations or deaths.