Democratic Convention, Night 1: Hitting Trump Team on Pandemic Preparedness
The coronavirus was a critical theme throughout the evening.
Teen Artist’s Portraits Help Frame Sacrifice of Health Care Workers Lost to COVID
A 15-year-old high school student in New Jersey is memorializing doctors, nurses and others who died after tending to coronavirus patients.
Isolation, Disruption and Confusion: Coping With Dementia During a Pandemic
COVID-19 has upended the lives of people with dementia, limiting their interactions with others and complicating matters for their caregivers.
La política frena el flujo de fondos a las agencias para detener la pandemia
Desde que comenzó la pandemia, el Congreso ha reservado miles de millones para aliviar la crisis. Pero parte de ese dinero no se ha distribuido, o gastado, apropiadamente.
Confianza, miedo y solidaridad marcarán el éxito de una vacuna contra COVID
Cuando una vacuna contra el coronavirus esté disponible, ¿la recibirán con una gran ovación, como la vacuna contra la polio, o con cierto letargo, como la vacuna contra el sarampión?
Politics Slows Flow of US Pandemic Relief Funds to Public Health Agencies
Congress has allocated trillions of dollars to ease the coronavirus crisis. A joint KHN and AP investigation finds that many communities with big outbreaks have spent little of that federal money on local public health departments for work such as testing and contact tracing.
Trust, Fear and Solidarity Will Determine the Success of a COVID Vaccine
Polio terrified Americans, and in 1955, when Jonas Salk’s vaccine became available, they snapped it up like candy. Sixty-five years later, COVID is the latest dread virus, but many undercurrents could inhibit its acceptance.
With COVID Vaccine Trial, Rural Oregon Clinic Steps Onto World Stage
A small allergy clinic in Medford, Oregon, might seem an unlikely place to recruit hundreds of volunteers to test the Moderna vaccine against COVID-19. But its steward has a record of leading hundreds of clinical trials.
PPE Shortage Could Last Years Without Strategic Plan, Experts Warn
The rolling shortages of personal protective gear continue even in hospitals, as buyers look directly for manufacturers — often through a maze of companies that have sprung up overnight.
‘Is This When I Drop Dead?’ Two Doctors Report From the COVID Front Lines
Two emergency room doctors, one in New York and the other in Houston, discuss their cities’ coronavirus outbreaks — and responses.
COVID Data Failures Create Pressure for Public Health System Overhaul
Poor information-sharing between hospitals and public health agencies has hurt the response to the pandemic. Some health care systems and IT companies are making inroads, but an overhaul would cost billions.
Estudiantes de minorías analizan datos de COVID sobre disparidades raciales
Los datos para abordar las brechas raciales en la atención en las comunidades más necesitadas, y sus resultados, han sido escasos durante la pandemia.
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Kamala Harris on Health
The Democratic presidential ticket is complete, with Joe Biden’s selection of California Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. Health has not been a major issue for Harris, whose career priority has been the criminal justice system. But expect Republicans to pounce on her on-again, off-again support for “Medicare for All.” Meanwhile, with Congress still in a stalemate over another round of COVID-19 relief, President Donald Trump is trying to use his executive power to do what lawmakers have not — with mixed success. Kimberly Leonard of Business Insider, Joanne Kenen of Politico and Mary Agnes Carey of KHN join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss this and more. Plus, for extra credit, the panelists recommend their favorite health stories of the week they think you should read, too.
Dying Young: The Health Care Workers in Their 20s Killed by COVID-19
A database of deaths compiled by KHN and The Guardian includes a significant minority under 30, leaving shattered dreams and devastated families.
Contact Tracers in Massachusetts Might Order Milk or Help With Rent. Here’s Why.
Massachusetts offers support and resources for people isolating because of COVID-19 — helping them make choices that keep everyone safe. Experts say that is work that more states need to fund.
Turning Anger Into Action: Minority Students Analyze COVID Data on Racial Disparities
About 70 college students are enrolled this summer in a program developed by San Francisco researchers and funded by the National Institutes of Health that allows them to explore the pandemic’s impact on communities facing health disparities.
Listen: Will Telemedicine Outlast the Pandemic?
KHN’s Julie Rovner appears on WDET’s “Detroit Today” to discuss the future of telemedicine.
El coronavirus prolifera entre trabajadores latinos en un condado rico de California
Las comunidades de color de bajos ingresos, especialmente los latinos, sufren cada vez más el peso de la pandemia de coronavirus en el estado.
In Health-Conscious Marin County, Virus Runs Rampant Among ‘Essential’ Latino Workers
The pandemic is racing through packed apartment blocks as Mexican and Central American workers bring the virus home to their families.
Primary Care Doctors Look at Payment Overhaul After Pandemic Disruption
Many physicians were forced to close their offices — or at least see only emergency cases — when the pandemic struck. Because they are generally paid piecemeal for every service, they suffered big losses, leading to layoffs and pay cuts. Some doctors say they now are looking to overhaul the way they get paid.