Latest Morning Briefing Stories
The Next Obamacare Battleground: Subsidies For Out-Of-Pocket Costs
Exchange enrollees and insurers fret over a lawsuit that could end federal help with copays and deductibles.
La próxima batalla del Obamacare: subsidios para gastos de bolsillo
Los subsidios que ayudan a las personas con sus copagos y deducibles, distintos a los créditos impositivos para pagar las primas, están en medio de una batalla legal luego de una demanda republicana.
Workers Who Give Care To The Homebound Often Can’t Afford To Get Their Own
These workers, who generally do not get health insurance from their employers and fall through public assistance coverage gaps, gained some relief under Obamacare.
El básquetbol en “March Madness” anima a los hombres a hacerse la vasectomía
El evento deportivo y un programa radial en DC impulsan el procedimiento, promoviendo la camaradería masculina en derredor del básquetbol.
March Madness Vasectomies Encourage Guys To Take One For The Team
Some urologists use March Madness as an opportunity to market vasectomy services, offering men the excuse to sit on the sofa for three days to watch college basketball while they recover.
On The Air With KHN: What’s Next For The Affordable Care Act?
Reporters with Kaiser Health News and California Healthline have appeared on numerous radio and television shows in recent days to assess what’s next for the health law.
House Leaders ‘Came Up Short’ In Effort To Kill Obamacare
President Trump and Speaker Ryan agree to withdraw their legislation that would overhaul the federal health law.
Insurers May Notch Bigger Profits From Fewer Customers In ‘Trumpcare’
As Congress and the White House try to strike a bargain on an Obamacare repeal plan, the insurance industry likes what it’s seeing.
Popular Guarantee For Young Adults’ Coverage May Be Health Law’s Achilles’ Heel
Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much these days, but both parties want to keep the health law’s provision to allow adults to stay on their parents’ plan until age 26. But that could be hurting the marketplace’s insurance pools.
Late Move To Dump ‘Essential’ Benefits Could Strand Chronically Ill
Republicans seek lower cost and more choice for health insurance sold to individuals, but cutting coverage standards could leave fewer comprehensive plans, analysts say.
By Decade’s End, Calif. Estimates It Would Lose $24B Annually Under GOP Health Plan
“It’s challenging to see how it would not … jeopardize the entire [Medicaid] program,” a top health official said.
In Deep-Blue State, Millions in Reddish Heartland Are Counting On Medicaid
The prospect of cutbacks has led to agitation and activism in California’s largely agricultural Central Valley, with relatively high poverty rates and a significant number of Trump voters.
Texas Braces For Medicaid Cuts Under GOP Health Plan
Texans on both sides of the political spectrum say the Lone Star State is not going to fare well under GOP plans to replace the Affordable Care Act.
Repeal Of Health Law Could Force Tough Decisions For Arizona Republicans
It is unclear what will happen to the 400,000 people who signed up for Arizona’s expanded Medicaid program if the GOP health law replacement succeeds.
As health care issues hit center stage in Washington again, Kaiser Health News reporters hold forth on a number of radio and television shows.
GOP Health Plan Aims To Curb Medicaid, Expand State Options
House Republicans’ latest plan to repeal Obamacare would give states flexibility in managing their Medicaid programs, but also some difficult decisions to make.
How Millennials Win And Lose Under The GOP Health Bill
The cost of insurance could go down for people ages 26 to 29 under the GOP plan. But will they buy it without a mandate?
A Fact Check Finds Many Misleading Letters From Lawmakers On Health Care
Four news organizations read through letters sent by 51 senators and 134 members of the House dealing with the health care debate.
Pacientes de bajos ingresos con VIH temen quedarse sin cobertura
Bajo nuevas reglas que impondría la ley de salud republicana, pacientes de bajos ingresos que viven con VIH podrían perder la cobertura que un programa de asistencia federal les ayudó a obtener.
Medicaid Caps Pitched By GOP Could Shrink Seniors’ Benefits
Advocates for the elderly worry that GOP plans to end Medicaid’s open-ended spending and replace it with per-capita limits could pose a risk for low-income older people who rely on the federal-state program for nursing and other long-term care.