Confused About What The Senate Is Actually Voting On? Here Are Some Explainers
Not even senators seem to know what they'll be voting on Tuesday afternoon, but these media outlets take a crack at explaining what's going on.
The Wall Street Journal:
A Look At The Health-Care Provisions Senators May Vote On
Senate Republican leaders are pushing for a “motion to proceed” to debating their health-care legislation. But as of Monday, it remained unclear what that legislation would be. And if there is a debate, it’s likely to include a flurry of amendments that could reshape the bill. Here are some of the elements senators could vote on, either as part of the underlying bill or as amendments. (Armour, 7/24)
The New York Times:
The Outcomes Of The Many Republican Health Plans Are Not So Different
There is a lot of confusion over the multiple incarnations of the Republican health care plan, but in the end, how different are they? (Park, 7/24)
Trump Calls For A Senate Vote With Multiple Bills In Play
The Senate is expected to vote Tuesday on whether to advance health care legislation to the Senate floor. That would open up debate on an Obamacare repeal and/or replacement plan. ... But it's still not clear what the Senate will be voting on. There are multiple bills in play. (Grayson, 7/24)