Different Takes: US Physicians Are Burned Out; Abuse Victims Suffer High Rate Of Undiagnosed Concussions
Editorial writers weigh in on these public health topics.
Chicago Tribune:
The Health Of Our Nation’s Health Care System Is Under Attack
The life expectancy of Americans has dropped for two consecutive years. The first year, attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, was consistent with other countries. The second year was not. (Sheldon Jacobson, 10/31)
The Washington Post:
This Group Has A Shocking Concussion Rate. It's Not Football Players
Research at Ohio’s domestic violence agencies has shown that over 80 percent of survivors accessing services have experienced some type of abuse that could lead to concussion or another type of brain injury. (Rachel Ramirez, Luke Montgomery and Julianna Nemeth, 10/31)
USA Today:
How Texas' Abortion Laws Nearly Caused Woman's Death From Pregnancy
Amanda Zurawski was losing her baby. Nothing would change that.Still, she had to wait three days to become sick enough, under Texas law, for doctors to intervene. (Bridget Grumet, 10/30)
The Story We're Telling About Youth Mental Health Is Hurting Our Kids
If you watch the news or follow current events, stories about the youth mental health crisis shape how you think about young people—and how young people think about themselves. (Nat Kendall-Taylor and Andrew J. Fuligni, 10/28)
Hospitals Need To Pay Attention To Website Accessibility
It would be anathema for a health care facility in the U.S. to have a main entrance that’s not physically accessible to all people. Yet many of their digital front doors block people with disabilities. They need to change that. (Amanda Krupa, Jill B. Roark and Kirsten Barrett, 10/31)
NBC News:
I'm Not Trans, But Gender-Affirming Care Saved My Life At 15
The care that I received is just one small example of the gender-affirming care that cisgender folks receive regularly. We just call it “health care.” (Justin T. Brown, 10/30)