Study Finds Flaws In Individual Mandate Alternatives Currently Under Discussion
The study, produced by the Center for American Progress, concludes that some alternative policies would leave millions of Americans without insurance.
NPR: Intellectual Backer Of Insurance Mandate Faults Alternatives
While some lawmakers and wonks are busy cooking up alternatives to the controversial federal mandate requiring people to have health insurance starting in 2014, one early backer of the approach insists it remains the best way to get more people covered at the lowest cost (Rovner, 2/9).
The Hill: Study Shows Limits Of Alternatives To Individual Mandate
Alternatives to the individual mandate would leave millions of Americans uninsured, according to a new study produced for the liberal Center for American Progress. The study, by MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, comes as two federal judges have ruled the mandate is unconstitutional. In addition, several centrist Democratic senators up for re-election in 2012 have floated alternatives to the unpopular measure. The study looked at two alternatives that have been proposed (Pecquet, 2/9).