New Rules Aimed At Helping Consumers On Federal Exchanges
Among other things, the new regulations would give patients slightly more warning before they get hit with surprise medical bills. In other health law news, one-third of Floridians say their health care has become less affordable in the two years since the Affordable Care Act was implemented.
Kaiser Health News:
Three Changes Consumers Can Expect In Next Year’s Obamacare Coverage
Health insurance isn’t simple. Neither are government regulations. Put the two together and things can get confusing fast. So it’s not surprising that federal regulators took a stab at making things a bit more straightforward for consumers in new rules unveiled in late February and published Tuesday in the Federal Register. Because those rules are part of a 530-page, dizzying array of changes set for next year and beyond, here are three specific changes finalized by the Department of Health and Human Services that affect consumers who buy their own health insurance in one of the 38 states using the online federal insurance exchange. (Appleby, 3/15)
Health News Florida:
Care Affordable, Floridians Say, But Becoming Less So
Across the country and in Florida, most say their health care is a good value, according to a national poll by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. "But then again, when you look more in depth, what you see is a third of Floridians said that their health care became less affordable over the last two years,” said Harvard professor and study co-director Robert Blendon. (Watts, 3/14)