Sources: Collins Bragged About How Much Money Other Members Have Made From His Stock Tip
Two Republican lawmakers talked to The Hill about the Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) conversations over stocks in an Australia-based pharmaceutical company.
The Hill:
Exclusive: GOP Lawmaker Talked Stocks With Colleagues
Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) has boasted about how much money he’s made for other members of Congress by tipping them off to an Australia-based pharmaceutical company in which he is the largest stockholder, two GOP lawmakers told The Hill. Collins, President Trump’s chief defender and unofficial spokesman on Capitol Hill, told a group of House GOP colleagues over dinner earlier this year that he had urged colleagues to invest in Innate Immunotherapeutics and made them plenty of money in the process, said one GOP lawmaker who was present for the conversation. (Wong, 6/8)
In other news from Capitol Hill —
Chicago Tribune:
Chicago Attorney Faces Hearing For Top Health And Human Services Post
Eric Hargan, a Chicago lawyer nominated for the No. 2 job at the federal Health and Human Services Department, declined Wednesday at a Senate hearing to say whether he would keep parts of the Affordable Care Act. "That's a subject of a lot of dispute here on Capitol Hill," he said. The Senate Finance Committee is weighing Hargan's nomination but didn't vote to advance his name to the Senate floor during Wednesday's hearing. Still, Republican committee Chairman Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah called him an "excellent pick," likely setting the stage for his approval. (Skiba, 6/7)
Politico Pro:
House Panel Advances FDA User Fee Bill
The House Energy and Commerce Committee advanced a bill reauthorizing FDA user fee programs for drugs and medical devices in a unanimous 54-0 vote this afternoon. The panel considered several controversial proposals dealing with marketing and importation. (Griffiths, 6/7)