Today’s Selection Of Opinions And Editorials
Lifting A Burden Of Worry The Washington Post
As the political debate about how to pay for and pass health reform grows louder and more contentious, we shouldn't lose sight of the reason we're even having this conversation: We have a huge, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to improve the lives of all Americans, insured and uninsured alike (Sebelius, 8/4).
U.S. Psyche Bedevils Health Efforts The Wall Street Journal
I hate the health-care system -- but don't you dare mess with it. That's a pretty apt summary of the American mind-set about health care -- and not just now, but for decades. Something about health care calls forth from the national psyche a deep, almost inexplicable schizophrenia, as the latest, delayed effort to "reform" health care is showing President Barack Obama and the rest of Washington (Seib, 8/4).
Death, Dishonesty & The GOP Huffington Post
In an effort to defeat universal health care, conservatives are engaging in a campaign of lies that will ultimately cause more families to suffer needlessly at a most painful time (Heath, 8/3).
Too Much Health Care A Burden Burlington Free Press
The uninsured needn't worry that health care reforms coming out of Washington won't cover basic health care needs. What should concern us all is that they will get is what the rest of get now -- too much care (Keller, 8/4).
A Public Option Would Offer More Choice Des Moines Register
A public option for health insurance, as proposed by the House, is not a "massive, new, government-run" plan. It is designed to offer Americans another choice in insurance and force the private sector to compete. A little healthy competition, after all, is what many lawmakers say is needed to get more Americans insured and hold down health-care spending (8/4).
Heavy Cost Of Obesity Charleston Post Courier
A junk-food tax isn't the be-all, end-all solution, but it would be one step in the direction of fairness, at least for the 8 percent of us who try, every day, to be healthy (Quick, 8/4).