Latest KFF Health News Stories
Pacientes reciben facturas por enviarles correos electrónicos a sus médicos
Con un fuerte aumento de los mensajes de correo electrónico durante la pandemia de covid, un número creciente de sistemas de salud han empezado a cobrar a los pacientes cuando los médicos y otros profesionales clínicos responden a sus mensajes.
Dr. Google conoce a Dr. ChatGPT: la inteligencia artificial empieza a impactar en la salud
La sintaxis fluida, el tono de autoridad y la destreza de la IA generativa han atraído a todos los sectores de la sociedad, y algunos comparan su impacto futuro con el de la propia Internet.
Por qué los CDC recomiendan el nuevo refuerzo contra covid para todos
El Comité Asesor sobre Prácticas de Inmunización de los CDC votó 13-1 a favor de la moción después de meses de debate sobre si limitar los refuerzos a grupos de alto riesgo.
Why the CDC Has Recommended New Covid Boosters for All
As covid-19 hospitalizations tick upward with fall approaching, the CDC says it’s time for new boosters — and not only for those at highest risk of serious disease. Here are seven things you need to know.
Despite Successes, Addiction Treatment Programs for Families Struggle to Stay Open
Residential addiction treatment programs that allow parents to bring their children along have been recognized for their success. But a mix of logistical challenges and low reimbursement rates mean they struggle to stay afloat.
Watch: In Emergencies, First Comes the Ambulance. Then Comes the Bill.
This installment of InvestigateTV and KFF Health News’ “Costly Care” series delves into the lack of cost protections for patients who find themselves on the hook for an emergency ground ambulance ride.
A pesar de las amplias recomendaciones para el refuerzo anticovid actualizado publicadas el otoño pasado, sólo el 17% de la población la recibió, y alrededor del 43% de las personas de 65 años o más.
‘Dr. Google’ Meets Its Match: Dr. ChatGPT
With the rise of generative AI, people who once turned to “Dr. Google” to check on medical symptoms are now turning to chatbots. Researchers say the bots are often more accurate, but urge caution in the absence of any regulations.
Un padre soñaba con una casa para su familia. La deuda médica casi los deja en la calle
En todo el país, la deuda médica obliga a legiones de estadounidenses a hacer sacrificios dolorosos. Muchos recortan gastos en alimentos, asumen trabajos adicionales o agotan sus ahorros para la jubilación. Miles no pueden conseguir vivienda.
Pfizer and Moderna Are Pushing the New Covid Booster. Should You Get It? The CDC Is About to Decide.
Chances are, if you aren’t older, chronically ill, or obese, you don’t need a forthcoming covid vaccine to stay out of the hospital. But it probably wouldn’t hurt.
A Father Dreamed of a Home for His Family. Medical Debt Nearly Pushed Them Onto the Streets.
As cities like Denver struggle to make homes more affordable, medical debt keeps housing out of reach for millions of Americans.
Montana State Officials Seek More Control Over Judicial Involuntary Commitments
Health department officials are asking legislators to change criminal commitment laws amid a bottleneck at the Montana State Hospital.
Journalists Recap How Smallpox Was Wiped Out and How Opioid Settlement Cash Is Being Paid Out
KFF Health News and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.
The Shrinking Number of Primary Care Physicians Is Reaching a Tipping Point
The declining share of U.S. doctors in adult primary care is about 25% — a point beyond which many Americans won’t be able to find a family doctor at all.
Heat-Related Deaths Are Up, and Not Just Because It’s Getting Hotter
Excessive heat contributed to 1,670 deaths nationwide last year, according to federal data — the highest rate in at least two decades. An increase in drug use and homelessness, along with hotter temperatures, were among the reasons.
In Move to Slash CDC Budget, House Republicans Target Major HIV Program Trump Launched
Republicans in Congress have proposed substantial cuts to the budget of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, taking aim at one of former President Donald Trump’s major health programs: a push to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S.
Hollywood’s A-List Health Insurance Is Jeopardized by the Labor Strikes
Hollywood actors and writers who qualify for their union health plans get a very good deal compared with other Americans. But not working during the strike threatens their eligibility in the system.
‘Like a Russian Roulette’: US Military Firefighters Grapple With Unknowns of PFAS Exposure
Federal research linking “forever chemicals” to testicular cancer confirms what U.S. military personnel long suspected. But as they seek testing for PFAS exposure, many wonder what to do with the results. There’s no medical treatment yet.
Most States Have Yet to Permanently Fund 988. Call Centers Want Certainty.
For rural Americans, who live in areas often short of mental health services and die by suicide at a far higher rate than urbanites, the federally mandated crisis phone line is one of the few options to connect with a crisis counselor.
Sin mantas, peluches, ni en brazos de sus padres: cómo hacer que los bebés duerman seguros
Algunas advertencias claras: los bebés no deben dormir con mantas, peluches o protectores que puedan provocar asfixia o estrangulamiento. Tampoco en brazos de los padres.