Anna Almendrala

Anna Almendrala was a correspondent for KFF Health News until August 2021.


School Districts Grapple With Quarantines, Face Masks And Fear

KFF Health News Original

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, school districts, especially those with large Chinese student populations, are in uncharted territory as they apply new federal travel rules to their students. Some also are weighing requests from parents that are more about fear than science, such as whether to allow students with no travel history to stay home from school.

Despite New Doubts, ‘Hotspotting’ Help For Heavy Health Care Users Marches On

KFF Health News Original

A high-profile effort in Camden, New Jersey, to reduce health spending by identifying high-cost patients and giving them more coordinated and preventive medical care has been copied around the country. Many of those groups are pushing forward with the efforts, despite a recent critical study of the Camden initiative.

This Story Contains A Warning That Might Cause Alarm — Or Apathy

KFF Health News Original

Proposition 65 requires California businesses to label products and buildings with warnings about substances the state deems as toxic, ranging from aloe vera to asbestos. A state panel plans to debate whether to add acetaminophen, the active ingredient of common over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, to the toxics list, raising questions about the value of these ubiquitous warnings.