Fantastic Voyage: Tiny Sensors May Soon Monitor Seniors’ Medicines From Inside
New nano-meds, miniscule robots embedded in a pill, send signals to an external monitor to record each new medication as it slides through the digestive tract. This will be especially useful for older people, who may not be able to keep track of a panoply of medicines.
If You Have A Stroke, Better It Should Be In Paris
PARIS–I had a stroke last month, oh boy. It’s just that I didn’t know it. Here’s what happened: Only after three days of flashing, floating visual squiggles — commonly known as ocular migraines that usually last 20 minutes — do I email my old friend Dr. John Krakauer, who helps run stroke recovery at Johns […]
Kentucky Public Health Expert Says Diabetes Epidemic ‘Really Requires Community Action And Support’
Gilbert Friedell, a doctor who founded a state health care committee, says many residents of Appalachia acknowledge that their families “have a touch of sugar,” but they can’t fight the disease by themselves.
Louisville’s Strategy For The Future: Stick With The Old Folks
The Kentucky city hosts the largest concentration of nursing-home and extended-care companies in the world.
In Rural Kentucky, A Surprising Twist On The Health Debate
The people in Southeastern Kentucky have the poorest health in the country. Yet the area is rich with medical facilities. Health reform bills are unlikely to change much: One doctor says: “We have to transform the way we take care of people.”