Jenny Gold

Survey: Latino Groups Worry About Money For ACA Enrollment

KFF Health News Original

The Obama administration is counting on Latinos to help make the Affordable Care Act a success, but there may be troubles ahead: Hispanic health centers and community organizations say they don’t have the funding or resources to carry out the complicated sign up process for the 10 million Latinos who will be eligible for new […]

9 Pioneer ACOs Jump Ship After First Year

KFF Health News Original

Nearly a third of the health systems chosen for the ambitious Pioneer accountable care organization program with Medicare are leaving after the first year of the three-year program. The goal of accountable care is for hospitals and doctors to save money while lowering costs. The 32 organizations selected to be Pioneers a year and a half […]

Latinos Key To Obama’s Health Law Strategy

KFF Health News Original

President Barack Obama, who was re-elected with strong support from the Latino community, is in California today and will endorse a plan that focuses on getting Latino Americans signed up for coverage under his health care law. In remarks to the news media, slated to be given in San Jose, the president will lay out his […]

Of ACOs And Proton Beams: Why Hospitals ‘Live In Two Worlds’

KFF Health News Original

For the past several years, hospital CEOs have been talking a big game about accountable care—the latest health care model, which pays doctors and hospitals for quality, rather than the volume of services they provide. ACOs make providers jointly accountable for the health of their patients, giving them financial incentives to cooperate and to save […]

D.C. Approves Two New Proton Therapy Centers

KFF Health News Original

After months of heated debate, two of Washington’s biggest hospital systems won approval Friday to build proton treatment facilities that will cost a total of $153 million despite questions about whether the treatment is any more effective than less expensive options. Johns Hopkins Medicine will be allowed to build a two-room proton center at Sibley […]

In Case Of Tornado, EHRs Can Be Just The Prescription

KFF Health News Original

Everyone expects a hospital to be ready to jump into action when disaster strikes. But what about when the disaster devastates the hospital itself? Turns out, it helps a lot to have an electronic medical record system in place. At least that was the case at Moore Medical Center in Oklahoma, a small hospital right in […]

CDC Takes A Closer Look At Kids’ Mental Health

KFF Health News Original

Somewhere between 13 and 20 percent of kids in the United States experience some sort of mental illness, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That adds up to millions of children suffering from disorders like ADHD, depression, autism and illicit drug use. The total annual cost of the […]

Community Health Centers Get $150 Million To Boost Exchange Enrollment

KFF Health News Original

Once upon a time, there were the navigators, then the in-person assisters, and the certified application counselors. Now, add community health centers to the list of individuals and organizations available to help consumers sign up for the new health insurance marketplaces scheduled to open Oct. 1. On Thursday, the Obama administration pledged $150 million to […]

A Shorter Exchange Application. But Is It Simpler?

KFF Health News Original

Consumer advocates have been complaining for months that the Obama administration’s 21-page application to sign up for health insurance in the exchanges is too long and complicated. The designers of the application estimated it would take 45 minutes to complete. The administration heeded the advocates’ pleas with the introduction Tuesday of a modified application of […]

Who Are The Uninsured? The Feds Parse The Numbers

KFF Health News Original

There are 48.4 million uninsured Americans — about 18 percent of the population — according to the last Census. But who are they? And what is the best way to get them signed up for new health insurance coverage options that roll out this fall? The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has just released […]