Usa una máscara. Como si fuera tan simple…
La forma más simple y fácil de combatir una nueva ola de infecciones es lograr que la mayoría de las personas usen máscaras la mayor parte del tiempo.
Wear a Mask. If Only It Were That Simple.
Health experts agree masks are the cheapest, best weapon against the coronavirus pandemic. But how should mask-wearing be enforced? Mandates? Fines? Polite requests? It’s hard to figure out what works as President Donald Trump’s behavior keeps the debate alive over whether they should be worn at all.
En Florida, padres critican requisito escolar que obliga a revelar la salud mental de sus hijos
El nuevo requisito es parte de una ley aprobada por la legislatura estatal después del tiroteo de febrero en la escuela secundaria Marjory Stoneman Douglas, en Parkland.
Parents Are Leery Of Schools Requiring ‘Mental Health’ Disclosures By Students
Florida school districts now have to ask if a new student has ever been referred for mental health services. It’s a legislative attempt to help troubled kids. Will it work, or increase stigma instead?
Mental Health Funding Tied To Florida’s Controversial Gun Legislation
The same Florida bill that would put more guns in schools would provide the state with $90 million more for mental health resources, including $69 million for schools. Advocates say those funds for mental health care are desperately needed.
Vuelve del retiro para ayudar a luchar contra la hepatitis C
Cuando se lanzó una prometedora droga para curar la enfermedad contra la que había luchado como médico por décadas, el doctor Robert Cirillo no dudó en volver a ejercer.
From Retirement To The Front Lines Of Hepatitis C Treatment
This doctor came out of retirement with the goal of treating every patient at high risk for hepatitis C he encounters. The problem is finding them.