A Reader Asks: When I Retire Can My Husband Get Coverage On The Marketplace?
Consumer columnist says he likely can, but the bigger question is whether he will qualify for subsidies to help defray costs.
Complex Personal Issues May Cloud Decisions About Buying Insurance
Even the people trained to help consumers navigate the new online marketplaces may not have all the answers.
Some Hospitals Turn To Post-Discharge Clinics To Help Hold Down Readmissions
A study finds that a third of adult patients discharged from a hospital don’t see a physician within 30 days — and experts say this is a key reason so many of them need to come back in.
A Reader Asks: I Get Coverage Through My Estranged Husband. Can I Choose To Go To The Marketplace?
Consumer columnist offers caution about the financial implications of that switch.
Consumer columnist answers questions about marketplace operations.
New Online Markets For Small Businesses May Offer Some Workers Greater Choices
The SHOP exchanges are intended to make it easier for small businesses to offer their employees a variety of good plans, but that option is being delayed for a year in 33 states.
Supreme Court Decision On Same-Sex Marriage Leaves Many Couples Awaiting Federal Rules On Insurance
The recent ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act didn’t address question of tax implications for health care for couples who live in a state that doesn’t recognize marriages.
Many Consumers With High-Deductible Plans Are Concerned About Health Law Changes
Many policy holders are not aware that the plans, which generally have low premiums and can have high out-of-pocket costs, don’t meet the standards set in the health overhaul.
Benefits On Health Marketplace Plans Will Be Similar But Costs Will Vary
In response to readers’ questions, columnist explains that all policies offered on the online exchanges must cover 10 “essential health benefits,” but the plans will be classified according to the proportion of costs that consumers will be responsible for paying.
Patient Advocates Seek A Gentle Transition From High Risk Pools To New Exchange Plans
Many states had special programs to provide insurance to people with medical problems. Some of those programs will disappear after January when the federal health law offers guarantees of coverage.
A Handful Of State Marketplaces Opt Not To Charge Smokers More For Premiums
The health law allows insurers to charge smokers 50 percent higher premiums than nonsmokers but some states have decided not to allow that distinction in plans sold on the new online exchanges.
Tax Break Can Help With Health Coverage, But There’s A Catch
There are two kinds of financial help for people planning to enroll in the online health insurance marketplaces that will open this fall. One could put people at risk of having to pay some of the money back, while the other won’t. That’s one big difference between tax credits and subsidies, both of which are intended to […]
In Addition To Premium Credits, Health Law Offers Some Consumers Help Paying Deductibles And Co-Pays
Although much has been made about the tax credits that will help people afford to pay insurance premiums, the cost-sharing assistance can substantially reduce out-of-pocket medical expenses.
Federal Rule Extends Subsidies For College Students
Beginning in 2014, most people, including students, will have to have health insurance, whether or not they are claimed as a dependent on their parents’ tax returns. The federal health law says if they don’t, they or their parents will face penalties. While expansion of coverage under the health law has helped about 3 million young […]
Income — Not Assets — Will Determine Subsidies In Online Insurance Marketplaces
KHN’s insurance columnist answers readers’ questions about qualifying for help paying premiums under the health law and how student health plans will be treated.
With A Little Planning, Women Can Get Emergency Contraceptives For Free
Like other types of birth control, these medications are required to be covered as a preventive benefit without cost sharing in many health plans. But to do so, women must get a prescription for the soon-to-be over-the-counter pills.
Finding Answers About Health Coverage
With provisions of the health law kicking in, consumers are likely to have more questions. One of the biggest will be where to search for answers and assistance.
Federal Rule Allows Higher Out-Of-Pocket Spending For One Year
The health law sets maximum limits on what consumers are required to pay, but officials are giving a one-year grace period in certain cases.
Advocacy Group Seeks To Force Employers To Give Pregnancy Coverage To Dependents
The National Women’s Law Center files complaints with HHS alleging that five institutions discriminate against women by excluding pregnancy coverage from the health insurance benefits that they provide to employees’ daughters.
‘Will My Family Be Eligible For Subsidized Coverage?’
Health insurance columnist answers questions about coverage subsidies for families in the health law, Medigap and rules for workers whose companies operate in more than one state.