Cómo impacta a la ciencia las nuevas normas del gobierno sobre el uso de tejido fetal
El anuncio de que el gobierno federal está cambiando su política sobre el uso de tejido fetal humano en la investigación médica podría retrasar importantes avances.
FAQ: How Does New Trump Fetal Tissue Policy Impact Medical Research?
The scientific use of tissue from aborted fetuses has frequently been a hot point of contention between anti-abortion forces and researchers. It heats up again as federal officials announced this week they were ending NIH research using the tissue.
Mired In Medical Debt? Federal Plan Would Update Overdue-Bill Collection Methods
More than half of Americans contacted about an overdue bill said it related to medical debt. A federal agency has proposed new guidance for what debt collectors are allowed to do when pursuing many types of overdue consumer bills, including medical debt. But some consumer advocates have panned the effort.
Putting A Face To Surprise Bills: Among Specialists, Plastic Surgeons Most Often Out-Of-Network
Many plastic surgeons don’t participate in health plans, even when providing emergency care at a hospital. Too often that catches patients off guard.
Doughnut Hole Is Gone, But Medicare’s Uncapped Drug Costs Still Bite Into Budgets
Beneficiaries pay 25 percent of the price of their brand-name drugs until they reach $5,100 in out-of-pocket costs. After that, their obligation drops to 5 percent. But it never disappears.
Confusión costosa: visita de bienestar de Medicare no es lo mismo que el chequeo anual
Es esencial que los adultos mayores sepan la diferencia entre ambas visitas al consultorio y lo que está cubierto, para no recibir cuentas médicas sorpresa.
Costly Confusion: Medicare’s Wellness Visit Isn’t The Same As An Annual Physical
Medicare doesn’t pay for an annual physical, but it does cover an annual wellness visit focused on preventing disease and disability by coming up with a “personalized prevention plan” for future medical issues. It is important to use the correct term when scheduling a doctor’s visit.
Did Your Doctor ‘Ghost’ You? An Employment Contract May Be To Blame
How “noncompete” clauses in contracts between doctors and hospitals or clinics prevent patients from seeing their longtime doctors.
Por qué el sarampión afecta tanto a la comunidad ortodoxa judía de NY
Se han confirmado 370 casos de la enfermedad en todo el estado hasta la última semana de marzo, sobre todo en el municipio neoyorquino de Brooklyn y en el condado de Rockland al noroeste de la ciudad.
Why Measles Hits So Hard Within N.Y. Orthodox Jewish Community
More than 275 people — mostly in Orthodox Jewish communities — have been infected since the disease began spreading in October. That’s about half of the confirmed cases in 11 states that were reported nationwide by the federal officials since January 2018.
Progressives Tout ‘Medicare-For-All’ But States Eye ‘Medicaid Buy-In’
New Mexico is one of several states looking at offering consumers a government-sponsored plan. The proposals would typically have benefits similar to what is available in Medicaid, the state-federal health plan for low-income people.
El alto costo del sexo: aseguradoras no pagan por drogas para resolver problemas
Medicare y aseguradoras privadas suelen no pagar los costos de medicamentos que ayudan a superar disfunciones sexuales comunes en adultos mayores.
The High Cost Of Sex: Insurers Often Don’t Pay For Drugs To Treat Problems
Medicare and many private insurers view prescribing drugs to improve sexual function as a lifestyle issue that’s not medically necessary to pay for.
Hep C And Drug Abuse Often Go Hand In Hand, But Screening For Infection Lags
As the number of people who inject drugs has soared, the rate of hepatitis C infection has climbed steeply, too, because the disease can be tied to sharing needles. Yet many drug patients are not checked for the virus that can damage the liver.
Need Health Insurance? The Deadline Is Dec. 15
Enrollment is lagging compared with last year’s pace. But experts say sign-ups tend to accelerate as the deadline nears, and many people will be automatically re-enrolled, so the final numbers could approach last year’s totals.
Atención consumidores: no se dejen estar, inscríbanse en un plan de salud para 2019
En la mayoría de los estados, el período de inscripción abierta cierra el 15 de diciembre. Los estados que gerencian sus propios mercados tienen más flexibilidad.
Attention, Marketplace Shoppers: Don’t Delay On 2019 Enrollment
Plans offered through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces for 2019 are on sale now. Consumers should check them out soon, because in many states most sales end on Dec. 15.
New Contractor For Food Stamps Upsets Cart For Farmers Markets
If a popular app used by many farmers markets to process federal supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits is no longer offered next spring, consumers’ access to fresh produce may be stalled.
States Act To Safeguard Young Cancer Patients’ Chances To Have Children
Fighting cancer often involves toxic therapies that can cause infertility. In the past couple of years, five states have moved to require that plans pay for services such as egg removal and storage.
El remedio para las cuentas médicas sorpresa puede estar en una ley federal
A partir de un caso reportado por Kaiser Health News, expertos analizan la posibilidad de que una ley federal sea el comienzo para solucionar las tremendas cuentas sorpresa.