Trump Has Blessed States’ Exploration Of Importing Drugs. Will It Catch On?
Colorado, Florida and Vermont — with the support of President Donald Trump — are exploring plans to bring drugs across the border from Canada to help lower costs.
Study: Arkansas Medicaid Work Requirement Hits Those Already Employed
More than 95% of the Arkansas residents targeted by the state’s Medicaid work requirement were already working or met the criteria to be exempted from the mandate, according to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Why Some CEOs Figure ‘Medicare For All’ Is Good For Business
While national business groups fight the single-payer concept, the founder and CEO of a large Pennsylvania picture frame manufacturer tries to convince other employers that it’s the only way to control costs and fix the U.S. health system.
Walmart Charts New Course By Steering Workers To High-Quality Imaging Centers
Walmart, the nation’s largest private employer, is recommending that employees and dependents use one of 800 imaging centers identified as providing trustworthy care.
Suicide Risk Grew After Missouri Medicaid Kids Shifted To Managed Care, Hospitals Say
Psychiatric treatment for children in Medicaid managed-care plans in Missouri has declined and suicide risks are up, reveals a study sponsored by the state hospital association.
CMS Ignores Federal Judge Ruling To Approve Medicaid Work Rules in Utah
Work helps make people healthier, CMS chief Seema Verma said in approving Utah’s waiver request to tie government health benefits to employment or volunteer work. But Judge James Boasberg has said that isn’t the goal of Medicaid.
Federal Judge Again Blocks Medicaid Work Requirements
The decision applies only to Kentucky and Arkansas, and many experts expect the administration and other conservative states to continue to move forward on rules that would limit coverage for people who don’t work.
Medicaid Expansion Boosts Hospital Bottom Lines — And Prices
Colorado officials say hospitals are better off financially after the state expanded coverage to more low-income residents, but that hasn’t stopped them from shifting more costs to other insured patients.
Judge Vows To Rule On Medicaid Work Requirements By End Of March
A federal district judge appeared skeptical of the arguments by the Justice Department and Arkansas and Kentucky that their programs should mandate that some enrollees work.
Ciudades y condados seguirán importando medicamentos, a pesar de alertas de la FDA
Varios estados, entre ellos Florida y Nueva York, dijeron que continuarán usando una compañía canadiense para ofrecer a sus empleados medicamentos recetados a bajo precio.
Cities And Counties Unlikely To Heed FDA Warning On Importing Foreign Drugs
The Food and Drug Administration claims CanaRX, a company used by more than 500 cities, counties and school districts to help their employees get cheaper drugs from overseas, has sent “unapproved” and “misbranded” drugs to U.S. consumers, jeopardizing their safety.
In Florida, Drug Importation From Canada Finds New Champions, Old Snags
The state’s governor said the plan has the full support of the White House. But the Trump administration was noncommittal about whether allowing states to buy and import cheaper drugs from up north could be the answer to the nation’s drug-pricing problem.
Glimpsing The Future At Gargantuan Health Tech Showcase
Innovations to help consumers manage their health were on display at the nation’s largest health technology conference that attracted more than 40,000 health industry professionals to Orlando.
Utah’s Novel Plan For Medicaid Expansion Opens Door To Spending Caps Sought By GOP
Utah’s proposal to limit federal and state funding on Medicaid is a radical change. Anti-poverty advocates are concerned that caps could limit how many people are enrolled and restrict services. They also worry other states would adopt a similar plan.
Shrinking Medicaid Rolls In Missouri And Tennessee Raise Flag On Vetting Process
State health officials say several factors, including the improved economy, are behind the 7 percent drop last year in Missouri and 9 percent reduction in Tennessee of Medicaid recipients. But advocates for the poor are worried the states’ efforts to weed out residents who are improperly enrolled has led to people mistakenly forced off the rolls.
Utah and Idaho Lawmakers Seek To Scale Back Voter-Approved Medicaid Expansions
The legislators say that despite voter support for expansion, they are concerned that a change in the Medicaid program will be a financial burden for the states.
Hope You’re Sitting Down: Hospital Charges $4,700 For A Fainting Spell
A 39-year-old man fainted after getting a flu shot at work, and a colleague called 911. He turned out to be fine, but the trip to the ER cost him his whole deductible.
Espero que estés sentado: Le cobran $4,700… por desmayarse
Se cayó al piso luego de recibir la vacuna contra la gripe en el trabajo. Y un colega llamó al 911. Lo que siguió fue un espanto de cuenta médica.
Hospitals Check To See If Patients Are Donor-Worthy — Not Their Organs, But Pockets
Hospitals often contract with market data firms to screen patients’ wealth. That software allows the hospitals to gauge patients’ propensity to donate based on public records, including property and stock ownership and campaign donations.
Medicaid cubre citas médicas, atención en el hospital… y también tu GED
Algunos planes de Medicaid ayudan a sus beneficiarios a avanzar académicamente, para que puedan no solo tener mejor salud sino mejores empleos.