Obamacare crece en popularidad, a pesar de los esfuerzos de Trump por eliminarlo
La encuesta de la Kaiser Family Foundation encontró que el 54% de los estadounidenses tenía una opinión favorable de la ley de salud de 2010 que expandió la cobertura a millones.
Tens Of Thousands Of Medicaid Recipients Skip Paying New Premiums
Five states demand small payments from those who gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion, but enrollees often face few consequences if they don’t make their remittances.
ACA’s Popularity Grows, Even As GOP Lauds Change To Requirement To Have Coverage
Forty percent of people are unaware that Congress repealed the penalty for most people who don’t have insurance coverage starting in 2019.
Evaluations Of Medicaid Experiments By States, CMS Are Weak, GAO Says
States often get federal approval to test new approaches to improve Medicaid services or expand coverage. But the GAO study found that too often these efforts are not adequately evaluated or the results are not available in a timely manner.
Después del tiroteo “hay que respetar cómo los jóvenes lidian con sus sentimientos”
Una psicóloga infantil, quien fue alumna de la escuela de Parkland en la que murieron 17 personas, explica cómo ayudar a los adolescentes en los días posteriores al terrible tiroteo.
After Shooting, ‘Honor How Kids Want To Deal With Their Feelings’
Christine Sylvest, a child psychologist who now works in Maryland, for three years attended the Parkland, Fla., high school where a shooting attack left 17 people dead last week. She says the tragedy affects the entire community.
Indiana Gets Federal Approval For Medicaid Plan That Could Slice Enrollment
HHS officials sign off on a plan that could lock out for six months thousands of people who fail to get their paperwork done promptly.
Indiana Medicaid Drops 25K From Coverage For Failing To Pay Premiums
The state branded its Medicaid expansion with some key conservative policies, and officials and advocates across the country are keenly watching the results.
Trump’s Work-For-Medicaid Rule Puts Work On States’ Shoulders
States that opt to change their Medicaid program must figure out how to delineate who is covered by the new mandate, how to enforce the rules and how to handle the people seeking exemptions.
Kentucky Is First State Granted Approval For Medicaid Work Requirements
The program will also set monthly premiums for Medicaid coverage and penalties for those who don’t make the payments.
With CHIP Funds Running Low, Doctors And Parents Scramble To Cover Kids’ Needs
Doctors are advising patients to be sure to fill medication orders now or are giving away drugs to make sure children have enough if their insurance disappears.
Medicaid: administración Trump da luz verde para forzar a beneficiarios a trabajar
Varios estados ya han presentado un pedido para que se les permita agregar este requisito a una porción de los beneficiarios del programa.
Trump Administration Clears Way To Force Some Medicaid Enrollees To Work
Allowing states to mandate that non-disabled Medicaid enrollees work as a condition for coverage would mark one of the biggest changes to the program since it began more than 50 years ago. A decision on the first of the state requests could come within days.
Running On Empty: CHIP Funding Could Run Out Jan. 19 For Some States
A fiscal patch that Congress approved last month proves not enough to keep coverage for children afloat, CMS says.
Estados se quedarían sin dinero para el programa CHIP a partir del 19 de enero
A pesar que el Congreso autorizó fondos para cubrir al programa hasta el 31 de marzo, varios estados comenzarían a quedarse sin dinero este mes.
La administración Trump busca frenar el creciente negocio de la marihuana
El fiscal general de Estados Unidos, Jeff Sessions, anuló una norma de la era Obama con la cual se desalentó a los fiscales federales a tomar medidas enérgicas contra la venta y el consumo de marihuana.
Cloud Of Uncertainty Over Legalized Pot As Feds End Obama-Era Accommodation
Officials in marijuana-friendly states reacted strongly to new guidance from U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions giving federal prosecutors leeway to crack down on cannabis.
Not-So-Happy New Year: Alabama Set To Toss Kids Off Insurance Plan Starting Jan. 1
Funding for the joint federal-state Children’s Health Insurance Program expired Oct. 1, and Congress has not yet agreed to a plan to continue the popular coverage.
Cities, Counties and Schools Sidestep FDA Canadian Drug Crackdown, Saving Millions
Medicines are up to 80 percent cheaper north of the border and overseas, so U.S. localities are greasing a pharmaceutical pipeline that the feds warn is illegal and possibly unsafe.
Pace Of U.S. Health Spending Slows In 2016
Dramatic increases in spending that came with the influx of newly insured consumers in 2014 and 2015 appear to be moderating.