Trump Administration Plan to Add Medicaid Work Requirement Stirs Fears
The recent announcement by a top administration official that the federal government will entertain requests to implement work requirements for many adult Medicaid enrollees has raised concerns among advocates for the program.
Estados podrían imponer el requisito de estar trabajando para tener Medicaid
La titular de los Centros para Servicios del Medicare y Medicaid, Seema Verma, dijo que esto le daría más flexibilidad a los estados para operar sus programas de Medicaid.
Medicaid Chief Says Feds Are Willing To Approve Work Requirements
Seema Verma, the head of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tells state officials that she envisions changes that could include work requirements for Medicaid enrollees.
Despite GOP Efforts To Corral Medicaid Spending, States Expand Benefits
States are adding a variety of services, including expansions of mental health and substance abuse treatments and dental care, according to a 50-state survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Chasing Millions In Medicaid Dollars, Hospitals Buy Up Nursing Homes
The strategy has been used mostly in Indiana, where many county-owned hospitals purchased or leased nursing homes to take advantage of a wrinkle in Medicaid payment rules and augment federal reimbursements.
Tragedia de Las Vegas plantea la capacidad de un hospital para atender a las víctimas
En la ciudad hay un solo centro de trauma, especializado en tratar a pacientes con lesiones severas producto de disparos, caídas o accidentes automovilísticos. Qué pasa a nivel nacional
Las Vegas Faced a Massacre. Did It Have Enough Trauma Centers?
Hospitals view adding trauma care as a potential profit tool, but experts say having more centers does not necessarily improve the system’s ability to respond to a mass casualty event.
5 Takeaways From Congress’ Failure To Extend Funding For Children’s Coverage
Federal funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program expired Sept. 30. Many states still have money in their budgets, but they’ll be worried until Congress renews the program.
¿Medicaid cubre todo eso? Cómo es el programa de salud más grande del país
El programa federal de salud gerenciado por los estados cubre al 39% de los niños y paga por casi la mitad de los nacimientos. Pero su aporte va mucho más allá: también ayuda a personas con discapacidades, a programas especiales en escuelas y a pacientes con VIH, entre otros.
Medicaid Covers All That? It’s The Backstop Of America’s Ailing Health System
Those relying on the federal government’s safety net are grandmothers, the kid next door, your supermarket cashier — maybe even you.
Sunday Hours: Obamacare Website To Be Shut Down For Portion of Most Weekends
The shutdown, which raised protests from navigator groups, will occur from midnight Saturday to 12 p.m. Sunday on all but one weekend.
Obamacare a oscuras: cerrarán el sitio web por horas los fines de semana
Algunos piensan que es un gran obstáculo. Pero la administración Trump insiste en que mantener el sitio federal del mercado de seguros del Obamacare cerrado por varias horas los domingos no alterará la inscripción.
In Stark Contrast To ACA Plans, Premiums For Job-Based Coverage Show Modest Rise
Employers report the sixth consecutive year of small increases, but workers at small firms feel the biggest pinch, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation survey.
Uninsured Rate Falls To Record Low Of 8.8%
Census Bureau reports that 28.1 million people in the country were without insurance in 2016, down from 29 million the year before.
Congress’ Tight Timetable Complicates Renewal Of Children’s Health Plan
The Senate Finance Committee begins hearings Thursday on the program, which provides coverage to more than 9 million children and is up for renewal on Sept. 30.
Trump Administration Whacks Millions From Budget Used To Push Obamacare
The federal government plans to spend millions of dollars less this year on advertising and outreach efforts to support the health law’s open enrollment period, which starts Nov. 1.
Drástica reducción de fondos para promover el Obamacare
Menos dinero para los navegadores y nuevas fechas para el período de inscripción abierta son dos de las medidas de la administración Trump para bloquear al Obamacare.
CBO: Killing Cost-Sharing Subsidies Would Hike Silver Plan Premiums And Deficit
The change would not be expected to have much long-term effect on the number of uninsured people. But it could cause a shift in which plans are popular with marketplace customers.
Estadounidenses quieren que sus líderes hagan funcionar la ley de salud
Casi 8 de cada 10 estadounidenses dicen que el presidente Donald Trump debería estar tratando de hacer que la ley de salud funcione, revela una nueva encuesta.
Americans Eager For Leaders To Cooperate To Make Health Law Work
Majorities of Democrats and Republicans — and people who say they are supporters of President Donald Trump — say they want the country to make the law successful.